Reviewing the nationally significant infrastructure planning regime: a discussion document
Applies to England
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Summary of the responses received to the public discussion paper. It also sets out the action the government is intending to take as a result of this consultation on the following key areas: improving pre-application and examination, making changes to development consent orders post consent, streamlining consents, and actions for improving engagement with communities and local authorities.
Original consultation
Consultation description
The government is keen to get further feedback from users of the nationally significant infrastructure planning regime and other individuals or organisations who may wish to contribute to the review, helping to shape the final set of proposals for improvement, to be implemented where possible by spring 2015.
Delivering economic growth is the over-riding priority for the government, and improving the efficiency and speed of the planning process, particularly for infrastructure delivery, is a crucial part of creating the conditions for sustainable growth. Ensuring that the nationally significant infrastructure planning regime is operating as effectively and efficiently as possible is therefore an important priority. As part of this, the government is now reviewing the nationally significant infrastructure regime 5 years after the regime was implemented through the Planning Act 2008.
It is already clear that the new regime is an improvement on its predecessors and is delivering faster planning decisions. However, users have gained considerable practical experience of the regime and this review gives an opportunity to learn from this and consider ways in which the regime could be improved further. This discussion document highlights those areas where users have identified that there is still room for improvement.