Revising certification criteria for renewable Combined Heat and Power schemes
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
The consultation invited comments on the Government’s proposals for revising the certification criteria for biomass, bioliquid, biogas and waste fuelled Combined Heat and Power (CHP) schemes. These certification criteria determine the eligibility of plant for CHP specific bands under the Renewables Obligation banding arrangements and other forms of Government support.
Forty seven consultation responses were received, providing detailed comments on the proposed requirements including grandfathering arrangements for current and revised criteria. The Government response sets out how these comments are being taken into consideration in finalising the revised CHP Quality Assurance Standard and Guidance Notes 14 and 44.
Original consultation
Consultation description
This consultation seeks views on proposals to revise the certification criteria for biomass, bioliquid, biogas and waste fuelled Combined Heat & Power (CHP) schemes in the CHP Quality Assurance (CHPQA) Standard and Guidance Note 44.
The proposals will affect operators and developers of renewable CHP schemes. Their views, and the views of others, are invited on the proposals and on the modified CHPQA Standard and Guidance Documents 14 and 44 below. It would be most helpful if your consultation response provided answers to the questions set out in the consultation document, along with any supporting evidence.
Views are also requested on two additional questions in the Supplementary Questions document. These additional questions relate to a possible alternative grandfathering approach. Consultees are requested to provide views on this alternative approach in addition to providing views on the grandfathering approach outlined in the consultation document. The deadline for responses has been extended to 8th March to allow time for these two additional questions to be considered. Responses to the questions in both the consultation document and Supplementary Questions document are requested by this date.
Contact us
Tel: 0300 068 6494 Email: Post: Renewable CHP Certification Consultation
Department of Energy & Climate Change
Area 1B, 3 Whitehall Place