Consultation outcome

River basin planning: Challenges and Choices

This consultation has concluded

Read the full outcome

Detail of outcome

You can read the short summary of responses or, for the detail the Challenges and choices consultation summary report.

Detail of feedback received

We received a total of 606 responses from a range of groups and individuals, including:

  • the water industry
  • local authorities
  • the farming industry
  • navigation authorities
  • catchment partnerships
  • local wildlife groups
  • regional flood and coastal committees

Original consultation


We want your views on the challenges our waters face and the choices we all need to make to help tackle those challenges. Your responses will help shape the way we manage the water environment.

This consultation was held on another website.

This consultation ran from

Consultation description

We have extended the deadline for submissions to the Challenges and Choices consultation by 5 months because of the coronavirus outbreak. The new date for final submissions is 24 September 2020.

The current river basin management plans were published in February 2016. The plans must be reviewed and updated every 6 years.

The second consultation on updating the plans is the Challenges and Choices consultation. We want your views on:

  • the challenges that limit the benefits society gets from the water environment in river basin districts in England (the challenges)
  • the best way to address these issues (the choices)

The information we gather through this consultation will help us update the current river basin management plans. We will publish and consult on draft plans in 2021. We are required to do this by the Water Framework Directive.

Find out more about river basin planning and future consultations.

Updates to this page

Published 24 October 2019
Last updated 17 February 2021 show all updates
  1. We have delayed the date we will publish and consult on draft plans from 2020 to 2021.

  2. We have published the Challenges and Choices consultation response documents.

  3. We have extended the deadline for submissions to this consultation by 5 months because of the coronavirus outbreak. The new date for final submissions is 24 September 2020.

  4. First published.

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