Call for evidence outcome

Safeguarding the environment in British Overseas Territories: call for evidence

This was published under the 2016 to 2019 May Conservative government
This call for evidence has closed

Read the full outcome

Detail of outcome

We received 51 responses to this call for evidence. The evidence gathered through this call for evidence will be used in the next Spending Review.

Original call for evidence


Seeking evidence to help develop plans on how the government can help protect marine and terrestrial biodiversity in the British Overseas Territories.

This call for evidence ran from

Call for evidence description

We’re seeking evidence we can use to improve how we support overseas territories’ environmental commitments.

In particular, we’re asking for evidence that will help us develop our spending policy for achieving value for money in conservation and biodiversity projects.

We will also use this evidence to inform the next spending review.

Update: The deadline for responses has been extended until Friday 26 July 2019. Please email your responses to no later than midnight (UK time) Friday 26 July 2019.


Updates to this page

Published 10 May 2019
Last updated 8 April 2020 show all updates
  1. Updated the summary of responses - the response from South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (GSGSSI) had not been included.

  2. Summary of responses to this call for evidence added.

  3. The deadline for responses has been extended until Friday 26 July 2019.

  4. First published.

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