Severn crossings: proposed toll reductions
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
Notice on proposals to make the Severn Crossings charging order
Legislative process requires an 84 day period to allow sufficient time for:
- objections
- representations
about the charging order to be implemented at the Severn Crossings in 2018. This process involves release of the draft order itself along with:
- the formal notification of this process
- a map showing the location affected by the order
- Secretary of States Chris Grayling’s statement giving the reasons for the order
for comment.
Views about the draft order and documents must be made, no later than 12 December 2017, by either:
- emailing
- writing to Secretary of State, Severn Charging Scheme Order, Great Minster House, 33 Horseferry Road, London, SW1P 4DR
stating the grounds of objection. Comments received may be shared with others affected by it.
This process was publicised in the Western Mail and London Gazette newspapers and all documents can also be read at:
- The Wales Office, 1 Caspian Point, Caspian Way, Cardiff, Wales, CF10 4DQ
- Highways England, Temple Quay House, Bristol BS1 6HA
during working hours.
Outcome to Severn crossings: proposed toll reductions consultation
The final outcome and government response to the Severn crossings toll consultation was released on 15 September 2017.
The outcomes are:
- the Severn crossings will be given over to public control on 8 January 2018, at this time toll rates will be reduced to remove VAT as announced at Budget 2015
- revised tolls, with VAT removed, will continue until the end of 2018 at which point all tolls will be abolished as per our announcement on 21 July 2017
The tolling period in 2018 is to allow taxpayer costs related to the crossings to be recovered.
The consultation had 459 responses from:
- individuals
- business
- other organisations
Original consultation
Consultation description
The government has proposed halving tolls at the Severn crossings when the current concession comes to an end.
This consultation seeks views on the proposed reductions, and the draft legislation that would implement the reductions.
It also discusses other issues, including the possibility of replacing toll barriers with ‘free flow’ tolling, where drivers pay electronically with no need to stop.
Draft charging order – this order would implement a road user charging order on the Severn crossings under the Transport Act 2000.
Draft statutory instrument defining vehicle categories – these regulations would allow the Severn crossings charging order to use the same vehicle categories as currently apply on the crossings.
Updates to this page
Objection and representation period for reviewing a draft charging order and other information announced.
Final outcome and government response to the Severn Crossing toll consultation released.
First published.