Simplification of Intrastat
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Detail of outcome
The response document sets out the government’s response to the consultation document published below. The responses received are summarised and a full list of respondents is included, but where appropriate the names and personal or commercially sensitive information has been redacted. The government has heard the concerns voiced during the consultation and is grateful for the constructive and informative suggestions it received.
Original consultation
Consultation description
This consultation invites comments on EU proposals to reduce the burden on businesses required to submit Intrastat declarations, and seeks evidence on their impact on businesses and the statistical data made available to users. We also introduce a workable UK alternative to the EU proposals, and assess and compare the relative impacts, costs and benefits. We would welcome views from anyone who has an interest in this area, in particular businesses required to submit Intrastat declarations and users of trade data.
Updates to this page
Published 21 January 2014Last updated 30 January 2015 + show all updates
Summary of responses published
First published.