Simplifying merchant shipping health and safety legislation
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
Please refer to the attached consultation outcome document.
Detail of feedback received
The majority of those consulted supported the proposed revocation. One organisation raised concerns about the loss of clear cut standards and the need for enforceability, and three organisations opposed on the grounds that enforcement of the current standards for means of access and safe movement on board ship would be difficult without the prescriptive regulations in place.
MCA has considered these issues and is satisfied that it will still be entirely possible to enforce agreed best practice standards. The Marine Guidance Notes (MGNs), which will contain the standards have been modified to address this concern.
Original consultation
Consultation description
As part of the Red Tape Challenge we propose to revoke:
- Merchant Shipping (Means of Access) Regulations 1988
- Merchant Shipping (Safe Movement on Board Ship) Regulations 1988
- Merchant Shipping (Code of Safe Working Practices for Merchant Seamen) Regulations 1998
Safety standards will be maintained under the Merchant Shipping and Fishing Vessels (Health and Safety at Work) Regulations 1997.
We seek your views on the likely impact both in safety and in cost terms of removing this legislation.
Updates to this page
Published 19 May 2014Last updated 4 May 2018 + show all updates
Updated with the outcome from the simplifying of health and safety regulations consultation.
First published.