Simplifying the Gift Aid donor benefit rules: consultation
Detail of outcome
The government has published a document which summarises the responses received and invites stakeholders’ views on specific reform options. This second consultation will remain open until 3 February 2017, after which the government will consider responses received and publish its response.
The government is grateful to all those organisations and individuals that provided a response.
Original consultation
Consultation description
At Autumn Statement 2014 the government announced a review of the Gift Aid donor benefits rules, to consider whether the existing rules could be simplified. This consultation document, which invites stakeholders’ views on possible simplifications of the existing rules, is the next step of that review.
This document has been informed by discussions with a range of stakeholders and, particularly, the responses to the government’s call for evidence, which ran between July and October 2015.
This consultation document invites respondents to submit their views on a number of options, and asks whether they represent a welcome simplification of the existing donor benefits rules. The deadline for responses is 12 May 2016.
If respondents would like to submit anonymised data to support their responses to this consultation, they may do so in a format that is most convenient for them.