Smart meter policy framework post 2020
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
The government will introduce a new approach for the next phase of the smart meter rollout which will set clear, defined outcomes for all energy suppliers to deliver a market-wide rollout of smart meters as soon as practicable.
However in light of the significant impact of COVID-19, we have extended the existing ‘all reasonable steps’ obligation by 6 months to 30 June 2021.
The government response also:
- sets out a package of policy measures to proactively support the uptake of smart meters
- confirms the continuation of Smart Energy GB as the body responsible for leading coordinated consumer engagement activities on behalf of energy suppliers, subject to consulting on amendments to its objectives, governance and funding model
Respond to the Smart Energy GB consultation by 13 August 2020:
Detail of feedback received
We received 60 responses from a variety of stakeholders including:
- energy suppliers
- trade associations
- businesses in the supply chain
- consumer groups
- individuals with an interest in energy and consumer policy
Original consultation
Consultation description
We are consulting on a number of proposals to help inform the policy framework for energy suppliers to continue installing smart meters after 31 December 2020, when the current rollout duty ends. This includes proposals for changing the Smart Energy Code (SEC) to modify the way in which the Data Communications Company (DCC) charges for its services after 2020.
Additionally, we are seeking more general views on:
- the future of coordinated consumer engagement activity beyond 2020, in the context of increasing numbers of households and small businesses having smart meters
- potential future policy measures to complement any policy framework post 2020 including initiatives to ensure that consumer benefits are maintained.