Smarter regulation: strengthening the economic regulation of the energy, water and telecoms sectors
Detail of outcome
You can find part one of the government response at Annex F within the smarter regulation white paper on Delivering a Regulatory Environment for Innovation, Investment and Growth.
The government will publish part 2 of the response in due course
Original consultation
Consultation description
The consultation focuses on a specific set of proposals that target issues raised across these areas:
- growth
- competition
- consumers
- duties
- appeals
It seeks views on proposals that can:
- improve the economic regulatory environment
- increase investment and growth
- promote competition
- provide support to consumers
- bolster the appeals regime
The consultation also includes a high-level assessment of the impacts of each proposal, using a multi-criteria analysis methodology.
The consultation welcomes responses from any individuals or organisations with an interest in economic regulation in the energy, water or telecoms sectors.
Updates to this page
Outcome section added with link to part 1 of the government response to the consultation. This is set out in Annex F in the white paper 'Delivering a Regulatory Environment for Innovation, Investment and Growth'.
Consultation extended until 28 January 2024.
First published.