Social housing rents consultation
Applies to England
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
This document reports the outcome of the consultation on a proposed Direction to the Regulator of Social Housing (‘the Regulator’) on social housing rents from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024.
Following the consultation, a new Direction from the Secretary of State is being issued to the Regulator to ensure that, from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024, the Regulator’s rent standard:
- Makes the CPI+1% limit on annual rent increases subject to a 7% ceiling. This ceiling would apply to both Social Rent and Affordable Rent homes;
- Applies an exception to the 7% ceiling for supported housing;
- Does not apply the 7% ceiling to the maximum initial rent that may be charged when Social Rent and Affordable Rent properties are first let and subsequently re-let.
The Direction, cited as the Direction on the Rent Standard 2023, will operate alongside the existing Direction on the Rent Standard 2019.
See the Direction on the Rent Standard 2023 and policy statement on rents for social housing.
Feedback received
Detail of feedback received
Copies of all written responses are available to download above.
Original consultation
Consultation description
We are seeking views on a draft Direction to the Regulator of Social Housing. The Direction would require the Regulator to set a regulatory standard on rents that will apply to Registered Providers of social housing. This encompasses:
- Private Registered Providers (including housing associations)
- Local authority Registered Providers (i.e. local authorities with retained housing stock)
Section 197 of the Housing and Regeneration Act 2008 gives the Secretary of State the power to direct the Regulator of Social Housing to set a standard on rent, and about the content of that standard. Once issued, a Direction is binding on the Regulator. We propose to use this power to issue a new Direction to the Regulator on rent. The proposed Direction has been published alongside this consultation.