Call for evidence outcome

Social Investment Tax Relief: call for evidence

This was published under the 2016 to 2019 May Conservative government
This call for evidence has closed

Read the full outcome

Detail of outcome

This document summarises responses received to the consultation. It also includes further information on the future of SITR as announced at the 2021 Budget.

Original call for evidence


We are seeking the views of organisations and individuals on how the Social Investment Tax relief has affected access to finance for social enterprises.

This call for evidence ran from

Call for evidence description

At Budget 2018, the government announced it would publish a call for evidence on the Social Investment Tax Relief.

The aim of this call for evidence is to enable the government to understand how the Social Investment Tax Relief (SITR) has been used since its introduction in 2014, including levels of take up and what impact it has had on social enterprises’ access to finance. The SITR has a sunset clause which will bring the scheme to an end in April 2021, and this call for evidence will help inform a decision about the future of the relief.


Updates to this page

Published 24 April 2019
Last updated 23 March 2021 show all updates
  1. Added: 'Social Investment Tax Relief: summary of responses to the call for evidence'

  2. First published.

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