Specialist Disability Employment Support: call for evidence
Applies to England, Scotland and Wales
Call for evidence description
Since May 2010, the government has set out a programme of employment support to ensure that people disadvantaged in the labour market will get the help they need to find and keep jobs. The aim is that government programmes should support more disabled people than ever before into employment.
The government announced an independent review of specialist disability employment programmes on 2 December 2010. Liz Sayce, Chief Executive of RADAR, the UK’s largest disability campaigning organisation, led the review.
To support the review the government published the following call for evidence. It provided an opportunity for people and organisations to submit written evidence to inform the review.
Who the call for evidence was aimed at
This call for evidence was aimed at organisations and individuals who have information that is relevant to how the department provides employment support to disabled people.
Please send your queries about this call to evidence to: