Sprinklers and other fire safety measures in new high-rise blocks of flats
Applies to England
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
Evacuation alert systems
As a further outcome to this consultation, a change to Approved Document B was made on 1 June 2022 to recommend the provision of evacuation alert systems in new blocks of flats over 18 metres in height.
An impact assessment on this amendment to Approved Document B has been completed. The analysis compares the amendment to a ‘do nothing’ option of no change to the guidance, and another option of setting the evacuation alert systems height threshold to 11 metres instead of 18 metres.
Government response: sprinklers and other fire safety measures in new high-rise blocks of flats
Government response to the consultation on proposed changes to Approved Document B lowering the height threshold for sprinklers in new blocks of flats and introducing new guidance on wayfinding signage and evacuation alert systems.
Impact assessment: sprinklers and other fire safety measures in new high-rise blocks of flats
Impact assessment on the amendments to Approved Document B (fire safety) volumes 1 and 2 regarding sprinklers and wayfinding signage in blocks of flats. These amendments reduce the height threshold for sprinklers in blocks of flats from 30 metres to 11 metres and introduce new guidance on consistent wayfinding signage in blocks of flats over 11 metres to assist firefighters.
The analysis compares the amendments to a ‘do nothing’ option of no change to the guidance, and another option of setting the sprinkler and wayfinding signage height threshold to 18 metres instead of 11 metres.
Original consultation
Consultation description
This consultation outlines the government’s intention to amend Approved Document B to reduce the trigger height at which sprinkler systems would be required in new high-rise blocks of flats and asks for views on the trigger height options.
It also seeks views on proposals to improve wayfinding signage within blocks of flats, and to install evacuation alert systems for use by fire and rescue services.