SSSIs: changes to the measurement used in condition reporting
Applies to England
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
As a result of the consultation responses, Natural England has devised a mechanism to continue to be able to report on condition at a unit scale. At the same time, it will progress with the change in metric to officially report the condition of sites of special scientific interest at feature scale from April 2023.
Detail of feedback received
There were 53 responses to the consultation. Natural England is analysing these responses and will publish the consultation report in autumn 2021.
Original consultation
Consultation description
We want to know what you think of the proposed change to the measurement used in reporting the condition of sites of special scientific interest (SSSIs) in England. The change will be a move from a unit or area-based assessment to one which measures the condition of a notified feature across the whole of the SSSI.
This change will bring England in line with the method used to monitor and report SSSI condition in the rest of the UK.