Standardised packaging of tobacco products: draft regulations
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
The report summarises responses received and the main themes that emerged.
Final decision making on this policy took into account HM Revenue and Customs’ report of its assessment of the potential impact of standardised tobacco packaging on the illicit market, the final stage Impact Assessment and the Equality Analysis that were updated following the 2014 consultation.
The key reviews undertaken on the public health evidence on standardised packaging are:
Feedback received
Detail of feedback received
There were a total of 137,711 consultation responses, which fell into two categories: ‘detailed responses’ and ‘campaign responses’.
Detailed responses
There were 1,307 responses that answered several or all of the consultation questions. These responses are listed in the spreadsheet named ‘main log of responses’. Each response is listed as a separate line of data and has a unique identifying reference number.
Many people responded online. Other people completed the response form supplied with the consultation or responded by letter and these have been scanned and compiled into 17 PDFs. These responses are all set out within the spreadsheet, except where individuals/organisations requested that their responses were not to be published.
To help navigate these files and locate individual responses, Annex A lists each scanned response by its identifying reference number from the spreadsheet named ‘citizenspace spreadsheet’, and the name of the PDF file that it can be found in. Annex B lists the questions that were included in the consultation document.
We have removed names, phone numbers and personal addresses for anyone responding as a member of the public, an individual health or social care or other professional, or anyone who asked for their details to be withheld from publication. In addition, where a response was sent on behalf of an organisation or business, we have removed the individuals names but left on the record the respondent’s job title and business/organisation name unless it was requested to be withheld.
Campaign responses
A number of campaigns were run that encouraged multiple respondents (multiple copies of the same response endorsed by individuals). These responses used template documents, or were in the form of a single letter signed by multiple people, or were received in the form of a petition. Each person was counted as a separate campaign respondent. In total 136,404 responses were received in this category.
The details and number of respondents for each campaign is set out from page 26 of ‘Consultation – introduction of regulations for standardised packaging of tobacco products: summary report’.
Original consultation
Consultation description
In April 2012, a public consultation sought feedback from those with an interest in the policy of standardised packaging for tobacco products
The Government has not yet made a final decision on whether to introduce standardised packaging.
The purpose of this consultation is to seek the views of interested people, businesses and organisations, with a focus on gaining any additional information relevant to standardised packaging that has arisen since the 2012 consultation.
The consultation includes draft regulations so it is clear how requirements for standardised packaging would work in practice. Alongside the consultation, we have also published an updated consultation-stage Impact Assessment and Equalities Analysis.
We welcome responses from any interested person, business or organisation.