Statutory consultation - Proposed Hovercraft Code
Detail of outcome
The Hovercraft Code of Practice (CoP 24) has been published on GOV.UK. Details of the code are given in Marine Guidance Note (MGN) 542(M+F)
Feedback received
Detail of feedback received
Following the completion of the consultation process and review of the comments received the Hovercraft Code has been published. The attached table sets out the responses received to the above consultation along with MCA replies.
Original consultation
Consultation description
Downloadable documents
- Consultation Letter
- Proposed Hovercraft Code - Consultation version 9 March 2015
- Small Hovercraft Code RTA
The first draft of the proposed Hovercraft Code was written by the Hovercraft Manufacturers Association and Griffon Hoverwork, who have remained heavily involved in the subsequent development of it. The Code is designed to provide all the information for the design, construction and operation of small hovercraft in one consolidated document - a ‘one-stop shop’.
Actions for Consultees
The consultation seeks comments on
The proposed Hovercraft Code.
The initial assessment of the Costs and Benefits of the impacts of the Code in the Regulatory Triage Assessment. In particular, I would be grateful for any information you can provide to help us to estimate:
a. The current annual sales, before implementation of the Hovercraft Code, of small hovercraft by UK manufacturers?
b. The current annual exports, before implementation of the Hovercraft Code, of small hovercraft by UK manufacturers?
c. The potential increase in sales of small hovercraft by UK manufacturers, following the implementation of the Hovercraft Code?
d. The potential increase in exports of small hovercraft by UK manufacturers’, following the implementation of the Hovercraft Code?
This is a 4 week consultation running from 18 September to 18 October 2015. Please provide any comments and feedback to Alison Leighton ( by 18 October 2015.
Please forward written responses as directed within the consultation letter.
A list of consultees can be found within the consultation letter, at Annex A, hard copies are available on request.
Updates to this page
Published 18 September 2015Last updated 6 January 2016 + show all updates
Table of comments and responses and final outcome added 6 January 2016
First published.