Statutory definition of child sexual exploitation
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
This document summarises responses received for the consultation ‘Statutory definition of child sexual exploitation’.
It outlines:
- the background to the consultation
- a summary of the responses received
- the government’s plans following the consultation
You can also read the child sexual exploitation, guide for practitioners
Original consultation
Consultation description
We are seeking views on 2 proposals:
- revising the current statutory definition of child sexual exploitation
- including the revised definition in the statutory guidance Working Together to Safeguard Children (2015)
Our aim is to provide clarity on the definition of child sexual exploitation (CSE) as a form of child sexual abuse. This will ensure that all professions are using the same definition of CSE, as they create joint risk assessments and work together to target disruption and investigate offending.
The consultation is for:
- local authority chief executives
- directors of children’s services
- chief constables
- local safeguarding childrens board chairs and partners
- senior managers within organisations who commission and provide services for children and families, including social workers and professionals from health services, adult services, the police, academy trusts, education, youth justice services and the voluntary and community sector who have contact with children and families