Stopping up and diversion orders: reform of the application process for local highways
Applies to England
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Detail of outcome
Policy options in the consultation were to permit applications for a stopping-up or diversion order to be submitted at the same time as applying for planning permission, and to devolve decision-making to the local authority level.
Original consultation
Consultation description
Following the ‘Penfold review’, this consultation details proposals to simplify the process of applying for the stopping up and diversion of a highway where this is required for the purpose of property development.
We propose to permit applications for a stopping-up or diversion order to be submitted at the same time as applying for planning permission for the proposed development (whereas under the existing legislation the developer can only apply after securing planning permission), and options for devolving decision-making to the local authority level.
Related documents
- Implementation of the Penfold review, written statement by the Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Transport, 9 January 2013
- Implementation of the Penfold review, written statement by the Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Transport, 18 September 2012
- Implementation of the Penfold review, written statement by the Secretary of State for Transport, 16 July 2012