Consultation outcome

Strengthening rights and choices for people to live in the community

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government
This consultation has concluded

Read the full outcome

Key themes from consultation responses

Detail of outcome

The government response sets out its proposed actions, which are intended to see everyone being treated with dignity and respect by health and care services, and all enjoying the same rights.

The proposals balance the need for urgent progress with the need to effect longer term system-wide change by covering three phases:

  • early actions to sustain current momentum
  • further changes, including proposed legislative changes
  • a third phase exploring more radical solutions to longer-term issues

Legislative proposals are put forward where we do not think the required change is possible within the current system, or where stakeholders do not have confidence that existing arrangements will achieve the required changes.

We also propose a clear commitment to monitoring and considering further intervention if the necessary improvements are not achieved.

Original consultation


Seeks views to strengthen rights of people with learning disabilities, autism and mental health issues to enable them to live independently.

This consultation ran from

Consultation description

Norman Lamb, Minister of State for Care and Support, and Gavin Harding MBE, Co-Chair of the Transforming Care Assurance Board, announce the launch of ‘No voice unheard, no right ignored’ consultation.

Launch of consultation: No voice unheard, no right ignored

The consultation ‘No voice unheard, no right ignored’ explores options on issues such as how people can:

  • be supported to live independently, as part of a community
  • be assured that their views will be listened to
  • challenge decisions about them and about their care
  • exercise control over the support they receive with a Personal Health Budget
  • expect that different health and local services will organise themselves around their needs
  • know that professionals are looking out for their physical health needs as well as their mental health needs

The document also explores views on a number of issues relating to the Mental Health Act which were raised during the recent consultation on the revised Mental Health Act Code of Practice.

See supporting information pack for accessible meetings and discussions

Since ‘Transforming Care: A National Response to Winterbourne View Hospital’ was published there have been some improvements but the system has not gone far enough fast enough to respond to the needs and wishes of people who need services, and their families.


No voice unheard, no right ignored – a consultation for people with learning disabilities, autism and mental health conditions

Impact assessment

Updates to this page

Published 6 March 2015
Last updated 10 November 2015 show all updates
  1. Government response added.

  2. First published.

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