Supporting automatic enrolment: call for evidence on NEST constraints
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Detail of outcome
The government response to the call for evidence on the impact of the annual contribution limit and the transfer restrictions on NEST.
Original call for evidence
Call for evidence description
This call for evidence sought views and evidence on the impact of the annual contribution limit and the transfer restrictions placed on the National Employment Savings Trust (NEST) by exploring:
- whether the perceived complexity of these 2 constraints is inhibiting employer choice, even where the workforce is in NEST’s target market
- the extent to which commercial providers are able to supply low-cost provision to a very diverse range of employers as automatic enrolment gathers pace
- whether the balance between employer choice and consumer interests shifts as automatic enrolment captures smaller employers
The call for evidence was aimed at employers, employee representatives, and pension industry professionals including pension scheme administrators, payroll administrators, accountants, payroll bureaux, Independent Financial Advisors and Employee Benefit Consultants.
Comments from workers and the general public were also welcome.