The Tax Treatment of Asset Holding Companies in Alternative Fund Structures: government response to second stage consultation
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This document sets out the government’s response to the second stage consultation on changes to the tax treatment of AHCs in alternative fund structures.
The second stage consultation on the tax treatment of asset holding companies (AHCs) closed on 23 February 2021, and the government is grateful for the responses received. Following careful consideration of these responses, the government is now setting out the detail of the forthcoming regime for AHCs, as well as targeted changes to the tax regime for Real Estate Investment Trusts. Alongside this formal response to the consultation, the government is publishing draft legislation across both of these areas, which it looks forward to discussing with stakeholders. The legislation is intended to be taken forward in the next Finance Bill.
Find the policy pack for the taxation of asset holding companies in alternative fund structures.
Original consultation
Consultation description
The initial consultation on asset holding companies closed on 19 August 2020 and the government is grateful for the responses received. The government has carefully considered those responses and believes that there is a strong case for change in this area. It is therefore launching a second stage consultation on detailed design features of a new regime for AHCs which will close on 23 February 2021. The consultation will also consider targeted changes to the REIT regime. Draft legislation will then be published during 2021, allowing for a period of technical consultation ahead of its inclusion in the Finance Bill.
Updates to this page
Published 15 December 2020Last updated 20 July 2021 + show all updates
Added: Summary of Responses
First published.