Child maintenance 2012 scheme: proposed changes
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
The government’s response to the consultation summarises the main points made by respondents and provides it’s response to these. The government has announced that it will lay the amendments before Parliament with 1 minor change.
Original consultation
Consultation description
This consultation asked respondants to give their views on the following:
- changes to allow caseworkers from the Child Maintenance Service to request current income information from the non-resident parent at the application and annual review application stages
- basing a non-resident parent’s income on historic income provided by HM Revenue and Customs even where that figure is nil
- making parents responsible for reporting relevant changes in circumstances relating to a variation in their maintenance calculation
The consultation document also sets out details of 2 related measures which did not require a change of policy and so were not open for consultation.
Who was this consultation aimed at
We welcomed comments from stakeholders, in particular:
- parents who live apart
- representative organisations for parents who live apart or their children
- representatives of the legal profession and members of the general public with an interest in child maintenance issues
Updates to this page
Added minor clarification regarding the first proposed change in the consultation description.
Summaries added to the orginal consultation and the consultation outcome.
Updated to include the the Government’s response to consultation on draft regulations.
First published.