The disclosure of industry payments to the healthcare sector
Consultation description
We want to seek views on the possible introduction of new secondary legislation to place a duty on manufacturers and commercial suppliers of medicines, devices and borderline substances to report details of the payments and other benefits they provide to healthcare professionals and organisations.
This consultation aims to address the second part of recommendation 8 contained in the Independent Medicines and Medical Devices Safety (IMMDS) Review, regarding real and perceived conflicts of interest in the health system. Gathering views through the consultation is an important step in the development of policies in this area.
The proposals will enable respondents to share views on:
- the information they would need to provide
- recipients in scope
- payments that would potentially need to be reported
- timing and content of reporting
The consultation also seeks views on alternatives to regulation.
Updates to this page
Added link to the Welsh version of the consultation.
Updated table 1 to clarify that there are only some payment reporting requirements and retention periods in Disclosure UK for 'Aggregated per company' - see table note for details.
First published.