Future of narrative reporting consultation
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
Summarises responses to the consultation.
Original consultation
Consultation description
This consultation is part of implementing the Coalition Agreement commitment to “reinstate an Operating and Financial Review to ensure that directors’ social and environmental duties have to be covered in company reporting and investigate further ways of improving corporate accountability and transparency”.
The objective of the consultation is to look at ways to drive quality of company reporting to the level of the best and thereby enable stronger and more effective shareholder engagement. The consultation paper is open in exploring all options, regulatory and non-regulatory, to achieve the objectives. The consultation focuses in particular on the business review provisions, but as part of its exploration of wider narrative reporting, it also looks at issues relating to the Directors’ Remuneration Report.
Update: December 2010
The consultation closed on 19 October 2010. A summary of responses document was published in December 2010 and is available to view below.
Update: September 2011
The Government has analysed responses to the consultation, and has chosen to respond to the issues raised by publishing a further consultation on the future of narrative reporting.
No other form of response will be provided.