Consultation outcome

Relaxation of licensing hours for Her Majesty the Queen’s platinum jubilee consultation responses

Updated 21 March 2022

The Home Office would like to thank everyone who took part in the consultation and appreciates the time taken to complete the survey on the relaxation of licensing hours for Her Majesty the Queen’s platinum jubilee.

A total of 94 responses were received. Of these, 20 contained no relevant information to any of the questions and were deemed unusable. The analysis presented in this report is based on the 74 complete responses.

The consultation included seven questions, six with closed response options and one open ended to permit a written response. The responses to the six closed response questions are presented below in table form form. As demonstrated, the consultation concluded that the overall majority agreed with extending licensing hours for the Queen’s platinum jubilee and that the order should only apply to premises licensed for the sale of alcohol on site in both England and Wales. The consultation also noted agreement with extending the licensing hours for 2 June, 3 June and 4 June.

The final question was: “If you disagree with this proposal, please give reasons”. There were 31 responses (although five were assessed as void due to duplication or no entry made). Therefore, there were 26 useable responses. These responses fell broadly into three categories, namely health impacts or harms, crime and disorder and general inappropriateness. Comments expressed concern about the contribution of alcohol to violent crime and the negative impact that increased licensing hours could have on health and police services, as well as the associated costs. An example of this is, “This could lead to more anti-social behaviour and pressure on NHS and Police resources which are already stretched at this time. Until 11pm is plenty late enough.” Conversely there were views that the extension to weekend hours could be longer since some premises are already able to operate late opening hours.

We received responses from numerous trade organisations who were supportive of the extension of licensing hours. We also received responses from the National Police Chiefs Council (NPCC), Local Government Association (LGA), National Association of Licensing Enforcement Officers (NALEO), who were all in agreement with the proposed extension to licensing hours for the Queen’s platinum jubilee.

1. Do you support the proposal for extending the licencing hours for Her Majesty the Queen’s platinum jubilee celebrations?

Answer Response percent Response total
Yes 65.75% 48
No 34.25% 25

Answered: 73

Skipped: 1

As demonstrated in the graph above 48 out of 74 respondents agreed with the proposal to extend licensing hours for the Queen’s platinum jubilee. Therefore, the majority agreed with the proposal.

2. Do you agree that the order should only apply to the sale of alcohol for consumption on the premises?

Answer choice Response percent Response total
Yes 81.69% 58
No 18.31% 13

Answered: 71

Skipped: 3

As demonstrated in the graph above 54 out of 74 respondents agreed with the proposal to extend licensing hours for the Queen’s platinum jubilee to only apply to on sales of alcohol. Therefore, the majority wanted the extension to only apply to on sales of alcohol.

3. Do you agree that the order should apply to both England and Wales?

Answer Response percent Response total
Yes 88.89% 64
No 11.11% 8

Answered: 72

Skipped: 2

As demonstrated in the graph above 64 out of 74 respondents agreed with the proposal to extend licensing hours for the Queen’s platinum jubilee should be applied to both England and Wales.

4. Do you agree that the order should extend licensing hours on Thursday 2 June until 1am the following morning?

Answer Response percent Response total
Yes 63.51% 47
No 36.49% 27

Answered: 74

Skipped: 0

As demonstrated in the graph above 47 out of 74 respondents agreed with the proposal to extend licensing hours for the Queen’s platinum jubilee on the 2 June 2022 until 1am until the following morning. Therefore, the majority agreed with the proposal.

5. Do you agree that the order should extend licensing hours on Friday 3 June until 1am the following morning?

Answer Response percent Response total
Yes 60.27% 44
No 39.73% 29

Answered: 73

Skipped: 1

As demonstrated in the graph above 44 out of 74 respondents agreed with the proposal to extend licensing hours for the Queen’s platinum jubilee on the 3 June 2022 until 1am until the following morning. Therefore, the majority agreed with the proposal.

6. Do you agree that the order should extend licensing hours on Saturday 4 June until 1am the following morning?

Answer Response percent Response total
Yes 61.11% 44
No 38.89% 28

Answered: 72

Skipped: 2

As demonstrated in the graph above 44 out of 74 respondents agreed with the proposal to extend licensing hours for the Queen’s platinum jubilee on the 4 June 2022 until 1am until the following morning. Therefore, the majority agreed with the proposal.