Consultation outcome

The role of gas in the electricity market

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government
This consultation has concluded

Read the full outcome

Role of gas: call for evidence - summary of responses

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Detail of outcome

Responses from stakeholders, including generators, representative bodies, trade associations, suppliers, NGOs, technology providers and gas producers.

Original consultation


Call for evidence to help inform Gas Generation Strategy.

This consultation ran from

Consultation description

The Secretary of State for Energy & Climate Change and the Chancellor announced plans on 17 March to publish a Gas Generation Strategy in the Autumn.

The strategy will focus on the role of gas in the electricity market, and its aim is to attract investment in gas generation by overcoming any barriers, ensure energy security, meet the UK’s carbon reduction targets, and make the best use of the nation’s natural resources.

The call for evidence will be used to help inform the Gas Generation Strategy.


Call for evidence: role of gas in the electricity market

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Published 2 May 2012

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