Traineeships: funding reform in England
Applies to England
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
We’ll take actions from 2015 to 2016 that will increase the importance of trainees’ progression (to apprenticeships and other jobs), bring greater consistency across the age groups, and widen eligibility. We will do this within existing funding systems to minimise disruption for providers. We will keep the core elements of traineeships.
We’ll do this by:
- improving and making better use of destination and progression data
- improving definitions of:
- apprenticeship
- sustainable employment
- further learning
- making further learning of 19 to 24 year olds an acceptable funding commitment, as is the case for 16 to 18 year olds
Detail of feedback received
We received 99 written responses and held separate discussions with a wide range of stakeholders including:
- training providers
- employers
- training providers/employers representative organisations
- local authorities
- unions
- charities
Responses strongly supported:
- concentrating on results for trainees (especially their progression into apprenticeships or other jobs) and greater consistency across the programme
- a balance between rewarding trainee results and funding activities within a traineeship – this would help ensure providers help the right young people
Many respondents suggested that at such an early stage in a new programme we should take an evolutionary approach to change.
Original consultation
Consultation description
This is a joint consultation from the Department for Education and the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills. We are asking for views on how government funding for the traineeships programme in England can be used to provide the best possible results for young people.
This consultation is relevant to:
- training providers
- employers
- young people who might be suitable for a traineeship
- representative bodies of the above groups
- other organisations like charities and voluntary organisations with an interest in young people’s move from education to work