Transforming youth custody: putting education at the heart of detention
Applies to England and Wales
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
Much has been achieved by the youth justice system: overall crime and proven offending by young people are down, and fewer young people are entering the criminal justice system and ending up in custody.
However, for serious and persistent young offenders, youth custody is not delivering good enough outcomes.
Secure Colleges
The document highlights how we are setting out plans to introduce a pathfinder Secure College, a new secure educational establishment which will put education at the heart of youth custody. The pathfinder Secure College will open in the East Midlands in 2017 and, if proven successful, will provide a blueprint for a network of Secure Colleges across England and Wales to replace most existing youth custodial provision.
Enhancing existing provision
As well as taking forward our plans to introduce a Secure College, we are improving education provision in Young Offender Institutions (YOIs). At present, 15-17 year olds in YOIs receive an average of only 12 hours contracted education a week. We have launched a competition for new contracts which will seek to more than double the number of hours young people in YOIs spend in education each week.
We are committed to improving the resettlement of young people in order that progress in custody is built upon on release. We want all young people to be returning to suitable accommodation, with more going into education, training or employment and fewer going on to reoffend.
Original consultation
Consultation description
Our plans to reform youth custody will see young people appropriately punished while at the same time learning to take responsibility for their actions and gaining the skills and qualifications they need to lead productive, law-abiding lives. The paper invites views and outline proposals from a wide range of stakeholders and providers describing how they would implement our vision for secure colleges.
The consultation is aimed at:
- businesses
- citizens
- voluntary organisations
- local authorities
- youth workers
- young people
- charities
- young offender institute staff
- staff at prisons with mother and baby units
- offenders
- victims
- youth offending team workers
The consultation paper covers:
- information on youth custody and the young people held there
- the case for change
- our vision for secure colleges which place education at the heart of the system
The main areas for consideration by all respondents are:
- tailoring education to young people in custody
- meeting the wider needs of young people in custody
- closing the gap between custody and community
- the physical environment and meeting demand
- a focus on outcomes
Consultation events
To provide interested parties with the opportunity to discuss the proposals contained in the consultation document we have held open events in Leeds, London and Cardiff and it has been very welcome to get such strong, active participation from a range of organisations and individuals.
A further event will be held on 17 April. Join Chris Grayling, the Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice, at the Oasis People’s Parliament. The Secretary of State will present a keynote speech on the government’s vision for transforming youth custody. This People’s Parliament event is an opportunity to ask questions, put your point across and take part in discussion.
Timings and venue
Thursday 17 April, 7.15pm-8.30pm
The Oasis Centre
75 Westminster Bridge Road
For full details on the event and to register for your place please visit the Oasis People’s Parliament website.
Updates to this page
Published 14 February 2013Last updated 17 January 2014 + show all updates
Response published
First published.