Closed consultation

UK ETS scope expansion - CCS: non-pipeline transport of carbon dioxide

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The UK ETS Authority is consulting on a regulatory framework which will aim to recognise and implement non-pipeline transport in the UK Emissions Trading Scheme.

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Consultation description

The UK Emissions Trading Scheme (UK ETS) Authority – made up of the UK Government, Scottish Government, Welsh Government and the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs for Northern Ireland who jointly run the scheme – is consulting on a regulatory framework which will aim to recognise and implement non-pipeline transport (NPT) in the UK ETS

The purpose of this consultation is to set out proposals for a regulatory model which will enable UK ETS participants to subtract CO2 sent to permanent storage via non-pipeline transport from their reportable emissions.  

In particular, we are proposing options and / or seeking views on: 

  • ETS NPT regulatory framework   
  • accounting for NPT transport emissions    
  • shipping and multiport journeys  
  • intermediate CO2 storage facilities and CO2 mixing   
  • interactions between our proposed NPT policy and greenhouse gas removals (GGRs)
  • our minded to position that our NPT policy will not require an adjustment to the ETS cap  

This consultation is open to anyone, but we expect it to be of greatest interest to: 

  • intermediate storage service providers 
  • transport companies (road, rail and ship) planning to transport CO2 for NPT purposes
  • capture projects considering using NPT
  • carbon capture, usage and storage (CCUS) clusters  
  • carbon capture and storage (CCS) storage projects 
  • any individual or organisation that has an interest, directly or indirectly, in the use of NPT for carbon capture and storage

Read our consultation privacy notice.


Cynllun Masnachu Allyriadau'r DU: Cludiant di-biblinell carbon deuocsid

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Atodiad Dadansoddol i ymgynghoriad Cynllun Masnachu Allyriadau'r DU (CMA y DU): Cludiant di-biblinell carbon deuocsid

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Published 28 November 2024

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