UK Gigabit Programme: Dorset Public Review
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Detail of outcome
Following an Open Market Review, Building Digital UK sought views from the public and other stakeholders with regard to existing or planned commercial gigabit capable broadband in the area of Dorset.
This consultation closed on 1 August 2021.
Original consultation
Consultation description
Following an Open Market Review, Building Digital UK is seeking views from the public and other stakeholders with regard to existing or planned commercial gigabit capable broadband in the area of Dorset.
This consultation opens on 24 June 2021 and closes on 1 August 2021.
The government’s ambition is to deliver nationwide gigabit-capable broadband as soon as possible. The market is making great progress in delivering this ambition but there is a need for government intervention in the parts of the country that are not commercially viable. This is why the Budget in 2020 committed £5bn for the hardest to reach parts of the country, ensuring that all areas of the UK can benefit equally.
The £5bn will be spent through a package of co-ordinated and mutually supportive interventions, collectively known as the UK Gigabit Programme. As part of this, Building Digital UK is developing a procurement approach for funding contracts to suppliers delivering gigabit-capable wholesale infrastructure.
Gigabit-capable broadband is important for all communities providing faster, more reliable connectivity for homes and businesses everywhere.
Further information
You can read more about Building Digital UK on the Building Digital UK page.