Consultation outcome

Closure of the First Release of Phase 2 Areas and Worcestershire Public Reviews

Updated 28 September 2022

1. Summary

The Public Review (PR) process for the Project Gigabit Programme in the First Release of Phase 2 Areas and Worcestershire concluded on Friday 4 March 2022 at 5pm.

Building Digital UK (BDUK) requested evidence from all stakeholders - including the public, businesses, internet service providers and broadband infrastructure providers in relation to the proposed mapped eligible areas and associated postcode list, which has now closed to responses.

The Public Reviews covered the following geographical areas and began on Friday 4 February 2022:

  • West Sussex (Lot 1)
  • Oxfordshire and West Berkshire (Lot 13)
  • Staffordshire (Lot 19)
  • Worcestershire (Lot 24)
  • Buckinghamshire, Hertfordshire and East Of Berkshire (Lot 26)
  • Kent (Lot 29)

These Public Reviews aimed to validate the outcome of the recent Open Market Review (OMR) and BDUK’s mapping to ensure that it correctly represents the information provided by suppliers in the course of the OMR and to ensure that the right areas are targeted for government investment.

The First Release of Phase 2 Areas OMR was published through a notification on the DCMS Government portal on 12 August 2021 and ended on 13 September 2021.

The Worcestershire OMR was included within the Second Release of Phase 1 Areas which began on 25 March 2021 and ended on 22 April 2021.

2. Next steps

Following the completion of the evaluation of all responses received, BDUK will then proceed to finalise the Intervention Area within the First Release of Phase 2 Areas and Worcestershire. We will also publish finalised Closure Notices for each Lot Area highlighting our key findings; which will be made available on Once this has been completed, BDUK will begin market engagement and then formal procurement activities. This will involve BDUK proceeding to issue an Invitation to Tender via a procurement portal, for suppliers to bid for the opportunity to deliver extended gigabit-capable broadband coverage within the First Release of Phase 2 Areas and Worcestershire.

If you are a Supplier, and would like to know more about specifically the forthcoming procurement process for the First Release of Phase 2 Areas and Worcestershire please contact the BDUK Supplier Relationship Management team via

If you have any other questions, please contact for assistance.