Upward extensions in London
Applies to England
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
Government response to the upwards extensions in London consultation which sought views on proposals to deliver more homes in London by allowing a limited number of additional storeys on existing buildings through a permitted development right, local development orders or development plan policies.
Original consultation
Consultation description
This consultation proposes 3 complementary ways to encourage building upwards, by adding a limited number of storeys to existing buildings.
These 3 proposals could work together to incentivise house building in the capital:
- a London-wide permitted development right, with a prior approval, for up to 2 additional storeys, up to the roofline of an adjoining building
- planning policies in the London Plan to support upward extensions for new homes
- boroughs making local development orders to grant planning permission to extend upwards for all or part of their area, or for particular types of buildings