Use of maritime shore power in the UK: call for evidence
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
Rather than focusing on shore power as the only solution, we have decided to take a broader look at the solutions for reducing emissions from ports.
We recognise the need to coordinate across government and industry to find the best solution. We will publish a call for evidence on this broader approach in due course.
This call for evidence received 34 responses from a range of organisations including ports, academia and energy associations.
This publication is a summary of the evidence provided only. A government response or government position on the evidence is not included.
The data gathered will be used to inform future policy development.
Original call for evidence
Call for evidence description
This call for evidence invites views on different aspects of supporting the deployment of shore power and the provision of shoreside electrical power to a docked vessel while its engines are shut down in the UK. The details gathered will be used to inform future policy development.
We are seeking information on the:
- costs of shore power
- benefits of shore power, including the potential of emission reduction
- scale of vessel emissions at berth
- options to enable the rollout of this technology