Warm Home Discount: extension to 2015/16
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
Stakeholders welcomed the Government’s proposal to extend the Warm Home Discount to 2015/16.
The additional proposals on the extension to the scheme were broadly welcomed by respondents including on the introduction of standard criteria for Broader Group customers, encouraging energy suppliers to provide a rebate to low income park home residents and widening the list of criteria suppliers work to for the Industry Initiatives section of the scheme.
A number of respondents did not support an increase in the proportion of Broader Group applications which are verified and implementing a cap on the proportion of industry initiatives spending on debt advice for the 2015/16 extension. Government has decided not to introduce these proposals.
The next steps for the Warm Home Discount are to make amendments to the regulations which underpin the policy. We expect the amendments to come into force before the end of March 2015.
Original consultation
Consultation description
This consultation document sets out what the Warm Home Discount has achieved since its introduction in April 2011 and government proposals for changes to the scheme for 2015/16.
The accompanying Impact Assessment sets out the impact of the series of proposed delivery options for 2015/16 and provides an overview of the costs accompanying the scheme.