Withdrawal of statistical series 2, Personnel bulletin 2.02, Civilian personnel
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Detail of outcome
There were no responses to the consultation. Publication of the annual Statistical Series 2, Personnel bulletin 2.02, Civilian personnel, will cease.
Original consultation
Consultation description
The Statistical Series 2, Personnel bulletin 2.02, Civilian personnel is part of a compendium of publications released each year by Defence Statistics. It contains statistics on civilian personnel split by TLB, casual / permanent, grade, gender, full-time / part-time, age, ethnicity, disability status, religion, sexual orientation, details of inflow and outflow and sickness absence statistics.
We intend to cease publication of the series and move some of the tables into other MOD civilian personnel Official and National Statistics publications.
Ways to respond
If you have any comments on the proposed changes please contact us:
Email: DefStrat-Stat-Civ-Enquiries@mod.uk
Defence Statistics (Civilian),
Ministry of Defence,
Main Building,
Floor 3 Zone K,