Marine Anthony Dean Hotine killed in Afghanistan
It is with regret that the Ministry of Defence must confirm that Marine Anthony Dean Hotine, from Alpha Company, 40 Commando Royal Marines, was killed in Afghanistan on Wednesday 2 June 2010.

Marine Anthony Hotine, 40 Commando Royal Marines (All rights reserved.)
Marine Hotine was killed during the early morning as a result of an explosion which occurred when Alpha Company was conducting a joint reassurance patrol with the Afghan National Army in the area around Patrol Base Jamil, in the Sangin district of Helmand province.
To reassure the local population in Sangin and to create a sufficiently secure environment for the Afghan Government to deliver vital services to their people, Alpha Company have been conducting numerous patrols partnered with the Afghan National Army over the last two months.
In the last few weeks, Alpha Company conducted a successful operation against an IED factory where a large number of IED components were discovered.
The consent from the local nationals around Patrol Base Jamil has improved significantly, with IEDs being routinely pointed out by the Afghans during security patrols undertaken by Alpha Company.
Marine Anthony Dean Hotine
Marine Anthony Dean Hotine was 21 years old; he was born in Torquay and lived in Warminster with his parents and younger brothers, Callum and Kieren. He started Royal Marines Recruit Training at the Commando Training Centre Royal Marines on 25 June 2007, passing for duty on 7 March 2008.
On completion of training he attended the Defence School of Transport, Leconfield, where he gained his full range of driving licences, including his HGV driver qualification.
Drafted to Yankee Company, 45 Commando Royal Marines, in May 2008, he deployed on his first operational tour to Sangin, Afghanistan, on Operation HERRICK 9. Having gained invaluable operational experience he specialised as a Signaller (Class 3) in July 2009, coming in the top third of his course.
Known as ‘Tino’ to friends, in November 2009 Marine Hotine joined Command Company, 40 Commando Royal Marines, and immediately began Mission Specific Training for his second deployment to Sangin, Afghanistan, on Op HERRICK 12. He deployed in April 2010 as part of Alpha Company and was based out of Patrol Base Jamil.
Marine Hotine’s family paid the following tribute:
We are so proud of Anthony; he lived and breathed the Royal Marines and he was a ‘Bootneck’ through and through. Words cannot describe the devastating sense of loss felt across the whole family; he was an amazing son, big brother and grandson to us all.
“He was the life and soul of any party and his passing will leave a huge hole in the hearts of everybody who loved and knew him. He lit up a room with his smile and always lived every day to the full. We are so lucky to have had him in our lives and he will always be part of us. ‘Tino’ you will be missed, never forgotten, and very much loved forever.”
Lieutenant Colonel Paul James, Commanding Officer, 40 Commando Group, Combined Force Sangin, said:
Marine Anthony Hotine was a brilliant young man who was at the height of his profession: bright, selfless, dedicated and keen-spirited, he was an outstanding Marine. Having previously served in Sangin a little over a year ago, he wanted to return next year for his third deployment - he was one of the most loyally committed men I have ever met.
An ambitious character who always had a plan, he strove for greatness, both in his life and in his work, and invariably achieved it. He had an infectious wit, a sharp mind and a big and generous heart.
He sadly died on patrol in southern Sangin doing the job he loved, alongside the Marines he so passionately cared for and with the friends who so loved him in return. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends. He will be sadly missed by all in 40 Commando. Marine Tino Hotine was, and always will be, a Royal Marine Commando.
Major Sean Brady, Officer Commanding Alpha Company, 40 Commando Royal Marines, said:
Marine Anthony Dean Hotine, known as Tino to everyone in Alpha Company, was the signaller for Patrol Base Jamil and although he was only 21 he was one of the more experienced Marines as he had previously served in the same area when he was with 45 Commando Royal Marines on Op HERRICK 9.
Despite the fact that he joined Alpha Company part way through Mission Specific Training, he immediately fitted in and he quickly demonstrated that he was an excellent signaller who instinctively understood how to support his fellow Marines when on the ground.
Quiet and kind-hearted by nature, he took pride in everything he did and he was constantly looking to improve himself. Professionalism matters in the Royal Marines, it is what we are all judged on first and foremost, and I have no qualms about saying that Tino was one of the best I have worked with.
And it is for that reason that the lads loved and respected him. Moreover, it is impossible to doubt his courage; he knew the dangers involved in operating here and he willingly accepted them on a daily basis, but importantly he did so whilst retaining his sense of humour and generosity towards others.
He was always willing to give that little extra of himself, no matter what the price, and that is what made him the ideal Royal Marine Commando. The concept of ‘marching to the sound of the drums’ may seem anachronistic in today’s world; however it perfectly describes Tino’s attitude to his job and to his life.
He will be sorely missed by all within Alpha Company and the wider Corps. However, the sorrow we feel is overshadowed by that of his family and friends and all of our thoughts and prayers are with them now and forever.
Lieutenant Jack Anrude, Officer Commanding 2 Troop, Alpha Company, 40 Commando Royal Marines, said:
Marine Anthony ‘Tino’ Hotine was without a shadow of a doubt a first class Royal Marine who displayed enormous potential. Having already deployed on Op HERRICK 9 with 45 Commando Royal Marines, he was an experienced and extremely trustworthy member of our team.
He joined 2 Troop just before Christmas of last year and I immediately knew that the troop had gained an invaluable team member. I instantly chose him to be my radio operator and, if you had not known, you would have thought he had spent a decade in the Corps considering his professional knowledge and impact on the team.
Never one to lose his cool, his ability shone through in this high tempo environment. Throughout his time with us, he impressed in everything he did, always anticipating the next move, and I knew that any task I set him would be completed to the highest possible standard, in record-breaking time.
No matter what the situation, he would always greet you with his trademark smile and raise your morale tenfold, regardless of rank. As his Troop Commander, I found on many occasions that I would have to raise my game to keep up with him, such was the calibre of the man and the standard he expected from everyone in the troop.
A consummate professional in every respect, the Corps has lost a gold standard Royal Marine and the troop will never be the same again. Our thoughts and prayers are now with his family and friends.
Warrant Officer Class 2 ‘Tank’ Sheerman, Signals Troop Sergeant Major, 40 Commando Royal Marines, said:
Marine Hotine, known as ‘Tino’, was hand-picked from his Signals Class 3 course. He immediately impressed me with his enthusiasm for the communications branch and love for the Royal Marines. Having already served on Op HERRICK 9 with 45 Commando, he was experienced beyond his years.
His keenness and drive shone through which marked him out for a bright future. He would always greet you with an infectious smile. The loss of Tino, who was a professional communicator, will be felt by the whole of Signals Troop. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends.
Sergeant Danny Pea, 2 Troop Sergeant and Commander of Patrol Base Jamil, Alpha Company, 40 Commando Royal Marines, said:
Marine ‘Tino’ Hotine was a first class Marine; I used to use the phrase ‘workhorse’ to describe him as this man used to do everything around camp whilst we were back in Taunton.
In addition, he was an awesome signaller who was constantly at my side through thick and thin. Tino’s experience and courage was second-to-none and this man was only 21 years old; he had so much to offer and he would never hold back from helping his friends.
Tino slept in the bedspace opposite me in the patrol base and whenever I woke up he was always in his sleeping bag which was strange considering how incredibly hot it is at night. He had his favourite movie sent out and he could not wait to watch it. It was ‘Napoleon Dynamite’ and even though at times it wasn’t funny, Tino always had the same silly smile on his face.
Tino was a keen soldier who always wanted to impress. His maturity was that of a 30-year-old man; I’m sure he was destined to be a corporal in the next 12 months. Without doubt, Tino would have gone far in the Corps, and would have easily passed any course thrown at him. As a signaller, Tino would always ensure that we had comms, and although at times he didn’t always like the way things were going he would never moan or drip.
Tino, as your Troop Sergeant you did me proud mate, and you would always dig out to impress. You will be greatly missed by me, the rest of 2 Troop, all of Alpha Company and the remainder of the Corps. You, Scotty, Chris, Whiskey and Steve better be having a beer up there now or maybe the new you is just in the gym working on those abs and pecs!
My thoughts and love go out to your parents and everyone that knew you. Sleep well up there mate and keep smiling, I know you will brother. Remember ‘Once a Saint, Always a Saint’.
Corporal Greg Batten, Police Mentoring Troop, 40 Commando Royal Marines, said:
I first met Tino at Lympstone prior to us joining 40 Commando and deploying on Op HERRICK 12. He was on his Signals Class 3 course and I was on my Signals Class 2 course when we deployed on the final exercise together. I was struck with how dedicated and professional he was towards his specialisation and the Royal Marines.
He always dug out blind for his mates in the field and we soon became friends. I’m extremely glad that we managed to get in one last night out before we left, even if it was at the expense of my credit card! He was always a great source of morale on a Monday morning when I picked him up for work.
He would be armed with a coffee and some appalling dits from the weekend. He was a very capable Marine and destined for great things. Rest in Peace mate.
Corporal Steve Hayward, 2 Troop, Alpha Company, 40 Commando Royal Marines, said:
Tino, I have only known you for a short period of time but what an impression you have left me with. You loved life and you remind me of Jim Carrey, not necessarily in looks but you were funny, always happy and doing some stupid walks.
You had me in stitches with that yellow cap that you wore. I was so glad to have you in the accommodation, not only to talk to, but to wake up for sentry. Mate it’s your turn on sentry - even though you would always wake up and say ‘nah it’s not me’. You loved signals, something I don’t, but you managed to teach me a few things.
You were the first bloke out of the whole company to get comms on the monthly changeover, and you were so chuffed that you just kept on telling people about it. You would also just crack on and do things for the lads, helping them out all of the time.
You were professional and unselfish. You were over the moon with your morale parcel from the 45 Commando lads.
We promised we would stop smoking but your will power was stronger than mine. I’d have to go behind the back of the patrol base for a sneaky cigarette and pretend that I had still quit.
You got into your phys and you chose Buggsy, the biggest and most ripped bloke to be your training partner. He put you through the paces but you always went back for more even though you could hardly move a muscle. We used to joke about building an armoury just for you to fit those massive guns (arms) in.
I called you the ‘Tino Massive’. You always looked strong coming back through the gates of Patrol Base Jamil after a patrol with a smile on your face. It’s not the same without you mate. You were professional, confident, happy, unselfish and funny, and the list just goes on.
I’ll miss you, the lads here will miss you, and I cannot imagine how much your family will. You may not have been massive but your heart certainly was. Cheers mate, rest in peace, Steve.
Lance Corporal ‘Tracer’ Leonard, 2 Troop, Alpha Company, 40 Commando Royal Marines, said:
Where should I start? You were a big character in the troop with your mad faces and crazy dance moves. You always had comms booming, always happy and always in the gym on your personal mission of ‘Op Massive’.
This was even though you were one of the physically stronger members of the troop; you just wanted bigger ‘guns’ for your trip to the USA and we had fun coming up with slogans.
As I let you out the gate for the last time I told you that ECM [electronic countermeasures] is your new role, you pulled a mad face and said ‘I hope so, the weight of this unit gets me massive’, yet again another funny moment with you, sadly our last. I’ll miss you Tino, from Tracer.
Marine ‘Midge’ Midgley, 2 Troop, Alpha Company, 40 Commando Royal Marines, said:
Despite weighing only eight stone, you were one of the strongest blokes I knew. You had a huge heart and always a huge smile on your face to go with it; you gave so much morale to all the lads, whether you were cracking funnies in perfect voice procedure or picking lads up for not knowing their mnemonics.
We would sit outside together tabbing it up, thinking of hoofing ways to make big bucks once we got out of Afghanistan; you had it sussed mate. You were a top lad that could always bring a smile to my face with the unique immature banter we used to share.
I can only remember one time where we had a serious conversation and that was to quit smoking and get massive; thinking of all that actually sounds pretty daft as well, but that’s why I loved you mate.
You were such an awesome lad and in the short time I knew you since I joined 2 Troop you managed to make such an impact on me, from your professionalism to your character.
You were such a squared away Bootneck, hoofing at the job you loved and you would often talk about how you wanted to deploy on Op HERRICK 14.
For me, the example of you as a 21-year-old Marine already on his second tour just demonstrates how much you loved the job. The Corps colours ran through your blood and your soldiering skills were second-to-none.
You would tell me how you were going to travel America in a Winnebago during post-tour leave, tearing through the different states leaving your mark.
I’m sure me and the lads will do you proud when we’re out there mate and I will be thinking of you every day and wish you could have come along to make the trip as hoofing as you described it in your head. Tino Mate, you were a workhorse that always dug out blind for anybody, you were a hoofing bloke and Bootneck.
The hole that you have left will be impossible to fill, you will be sadly missed by everybody, and my thoughts will be with your friends and family. Never forget you mate, stay strong Royal.
Marine Michael Yianni, 2 Troop, Alpha Company, 40 Commando Royal Marines, said:
Tino, you were one of a very few people who I looked up to as you had an aura of confidence about you that was backed up with knowledge and skills. You loved your job and you never stopped talking about it, whether it was your ‘sweat’ Op HERRICK 9 dits or your endless Bootneck run ashore dits.
You were always so happy it would lift my morale just having a cigarette with you. You and I were smoking buddies and anti-phys partners when we started this tour and then one day you had an epiphany and decided ‘Op Massive’ was the way forward and that smoking was for losers. You cracked the gym every day, which started to make me look bad!
I even tried to give up smoking with you until 15 minutes later the nicotine patch peeled off and despite you saying it was sweat I took it as my body rejecting it and cracked. You didn’t fair much better, lasting two weeks until the tobacco sticks pulled you back.
Despite this you stayed strong with the gym and when your gym partner Buggsy left you for Rest & Recuperation, I felt compelled to step in and help. I couldn’t have the shame of you getting bigger than me.
You were just an all round good bloke and a great mate and words can’t describe how me and the rest of the troop are feeling right now, especially so soon after losing Scotty.
You were talking about getting straight back out here with 45 Commando after the America knees-up and that shows how much strength and courage you had which is why I’ll stay strong for you, as I know you’d want me to.
My heart goes out to your family and loved ones and I’m sure they’ll get through these bad times if you’re anything to go by. I miss you Tino and I’ll always remember you. Michael.
Marine ‘Brev’ Bretherton, 2 Troop, Alpha Company, 40 Commando Royal Marines, said:
Tino, his strength could not be measured in how much weight he could lift and you definitely could not measure it on how muscular he was, even if he did spend hours in the gym trying to get massive.
His strength came from the heart and it really did radiate outward to the rest of the lads. Everything Tino did, he did to the best of his ability, and his ability surpassed many others.
He put 100 per cent into everything, even if that included dripping, but no matter what, the jobs still got done; be it checking off kit, to keep the lads safe on the ground, or staying on top of the comms, like the excellent signaller he was.
Tino and I had planned on going on holiday to America with a few other lads after we had finished the tour. We were planning on flying all round America to different states.
The finale of our trip was going to be Las Vegas with our new medals, gambling our money away without a care for our bank balances. That just about epitomises the character he was, he was worry free. He had a ‘where the chips may fall’ attitude to life which made him all the more interesting to be around; it made you feel very fortunate to have known him.
After this tour was done he was hoping to get back up to 45 Commando where he did his first tour and get back into another fighting company to come back out to Afghanistan for Op HERRICK 14.
That, above all, truly shows how brave a man he was. On this terrible day we all dug out blind for you and we could tell you dug out blind for us too, and for that I thank you very much. We will miss you all so very much and we all shall never forget you.
You were a credit to yourself, your friends, your family, and most definitely the Corps. My thoughts go out to your family and friends all around the Corps.
Marine ‘Smudge’ Smith, 1 Troop, Alpha Company, 40 Commando Royal Marines, said:
Tino, I first met you in training and because I was a biff at the ropes I didn’t pass out with you. However, we recognised each other straight away when you came to 40 Commando for Mission Specific Training.
It was good to catch up with you on Mission Rehearsal Exercise on Salisbury Plain, spinning dits and seeing what the other lads were up to. You always came across as a professional bloke and talked about having a hoofing time on Op HERRICK 9, and you couldn’t wait to get out to Afghanistan and do the business a second time.
You were even planning to go out on Op HERRICK 14 to get your third tour in to become an Afghan vet! You always found the brighter side of any situation and I never seemed to see you without a smile on your face. Just the other day you were trying to show off your chest and there was a good bit of banter.
You had your heart set on America after this tour and were planning to go around the States in a Winnebago. Every time we talked about it, or a film came on with Las Vegas in, you got mega excited and it was hard not to get excited with you.
Like I said before, you were a real professional bloke and your skills and drills were hoofing and you had it fully squared away on the net. I will miss you mate and my heart goes out to your friends and family. I know they will be so proud of you and your memory will live on forever in everyone’s heads and hearts.
It was an honour to have known you and be out here with you. Take care up there and say hello to Scotty for me. Always remembered, love Smudge.
Marine ‘Ginge’ Milburn, 2 Troop, Alpha Company, 40 Commando Royal Marines, said:
I haven’t known Tino for a long time, only about two months in fact, but even in that short period he had proved what a switched-on cookie he was. During the evenings he lit the place up, and the funnies that he would crack boosted the morale sky high.
Tino loved phys, you would see him in the gym pumping some iron and he’d look over and crack a funny about how massive he was getting. Tino was a Bootneck through and through, he never dripped; he just cracked on with his job.
My thoughts are with your family and friends mate, you will be such a loss to the troop and the Corps. You will always be in my mind, see you up there mate.
Marine Rory Colmer, 2 Troop, Alpha Company, 40 Commando Royal Marines, said:
Before the start of the tour I only knew Tino from all the good things said about him by the lads. Once out here I started to work with him, I realised that all the things that were said were true. No amount of words or speeches are good enough to describe this man.
Tino was a very professional Bootneck, his skills and drills perfect, his admin squared away and he always knew what to do. He knew his trade like the back of his hand and everything he did was to a very high standard. The signals branch and the Royal Marines as a whole should be proud to have had this man serve with them.
As an oppo you could not have found anyone better. He always had a funny story and he was a strong man, always staying positive. He never shied away from a job and never dripped even when called into the operations room at all times of the day and night to sort out the radios. You will be missed by all Tino, and never forgotten.
Marine Pat Wall, 2 Troop, Alpha Company, 40 Commando Royal Marines, said:
Tino was a fantastic soldier who made anything he put his mind to seem effortless, from quitting smoking as he wished, to squaring the lads away on the ground. Tino was a calm, cool and collected influence on ‘us’, his friends at the patrol base.
He could either be a man of few words or he was constantly on send, spinning dits to raise morale. Take care up there Tino and watch over us as we see out our tour, just as you always have.
As I put pen to paper now, I am fully aware that anything I write will fail to illustrate the calibre of man you were; that is only known by those who got to meet and know you. My thoughts and prayers go out to your family. You will never be forgotten.
Marine ‘Tommo’ Thompson, 2 Troop, Alpha Company, 40 Commando Royal Marines, said:
I had been talking to Tino on sangar duty the night before, planning out his ongoing strategy to ‘get massive’; he was always good for a laugh, cheerful in the worst circumstances in a way that would put a smile on everyone’s face.
Always professional and mature but still able to see the funny side of everything, including his ‘wiry’ physique, he was always happy to pose for the lads and demonstrate his progress on his long term Op HERRICK get massive regime. If anybody ever needed assistance with anything at all, then Tino would always be willing to help and do everything he could to make the job for the lads as easy as possible.
Tino loved the Corps, loved the life and loved the lads. He had helped to build Forward Operating Base Nolay on his last tour and was keen to get on Op HERRICK 14 too. Being a Marine came easy to him and he set a good example to everyone he worked with, always smiling and always working hard with utter dedication.
He was a great friend, happy to give advice when it was asked for and always there for anyone in need with a big cheesy grin and a sympathetic ear. Tino will be missed by all the lads in 2 Troop, Alpha Company, the rest of 40 Commando, as well as all his mates in 45 Commando.
I know wherever you are now you will still be carrying on with ‘Op Massive’ and we will all join you one day to see how your physique is coming on. My deepest sympathies go out to all who knew you as they will all be hurting now. Remember, ‘Once a Saint always a Saint’. Tommo.
Marine John Cadwallader, 2 Troop, Alpha Company, 40 Commando Royal Marines, said:
I will never forget the times we spent on sangar duty mate, always talking about mad nights out we have both had back in our hometowns. It didn’t take long to realise we were both two of the same when it came to having a good time and generally making fools out of ourselves. You would always tell me in great detail about your trip you had planned for post-tour leave in the USA. The way in which you described it was so exact and clear it felt like we were both there, travelling across the southern states.
When it came to your job, there was no-one better. We could not stop laughing as we talked down to the operations room in perfect voice procedure. Half of them down there didn’t have a clue. You were a great friend Tino and I will miss you dearly.
I will always remember you as a strong, funny and switched on bloke that didn’t let anything get in your way. You were a credit to yourself, your family, 2 Troop, Alpha Company and the Corps. I still can’t believe you have been taken from us mate.
My prayers go out to your family at this dark time. I know you will always be looking down on us mate, watching out for us. Thank you for all the great laughs you gave us. You will never be forgotten.
Marine Dan ‘Moxy’ Moxham, Logistics Company, 40 Commando Royal Marines, said:
Tino was a great Marine and a great roommate for me back at 40 Commando. He always carried a smile on his face. He was proud of what he had achieved during his time in the Marines and also proud of what he was doing here on this tour.
If he, the ‘Scarlet Pimpernel’, wasn’t on camp in the evenings, he was travelling home to be with his family he openly loved and enjoyed being with. But when he did come back in the mornings he would always give me a little ‘terror shake’ when I was in bed at 6am, just to make sure I didn’t need the toilet before I intended to wake up at 7am - a running joke that was always given back with interest when he tried to get his head down.
Something he would always do while listening to his ‘quit smoking’ application he had on his beloved iPhone, berating that he’d ‘have to start it over again’ after being woken up.
For our post-operational tour leave we’d actually planned and instigated a road trip that would see a group of us travel around North America starting in Miami and somehow ending up in Las Vegas.
It had chaos written all over it but we were determined to make it a lasting memory for each of us! In fact, he was so passionate about doing it that when it was just a dinner table idea, he was straight on to the internet finding out prices for flights and Winnebagos.
When Tino had a spare minute to himself, I normally found him sitting on his bed, house wife in hand, doing a bit of kit mending, something he always stressed about with his knowledge of his previous Op HERRICK tour. I remember he loved saying to me the cliche line that ‘if you look after your kit then your kit would look after you’.
But that was him, a cliche, your typical Bootneck, the one you could turn to when a bit of banter was all that was needed, the one that was there when you needed a little advice. My thoughts and prayers now go out to his family, friends, loved ones and all that were lucky enough to know him. Anthony Dean Hotine was, and always will be, a true Royal Marines Commando.
Marine Gavin Taylor, Charlie Company, Signaller, 40 Commando Royal Marines, said:
Tino and I first met on the S3’s [Signaller (Class 3)] course where we instantly bonded to become best mates. He spent a lot of his spare time around my house where he was accepted as one of the family; my wife enjoyed his company but nowhere near as much as my children who he always kept amused with his crazy faces and ability to entertain them with ease.
Tino was an excellent Royal Marines Commando and close family friend. He loved the Corps and he could not wait to get back out to Afghanistan again after his experiences with 45 Commando on Op HERRICK 9 only 12 months prior.
He was such an easy person to get on with and he was truly liked by everyone who met him. He would always have a wise crack for any situation he found himself in. He will be remembered as a hoofing oppo and a good friend.
A great guy that I have had the privilege in working alongside; he will be greatly missed by everyone who has ever met him. Rest in Peace Tino.
Secretary of State for Defence, Dr Liam Fox, said:
Marine Anthony Hotine’s experience and professionalism made him a highly respected member of 40 Commando. His loss will come as a huge blow to his friends and colleagues within the Corps, and nothing will soften the pain felt by his family at this difficult time.
“But Marine Hotine’s important role in this crucial mission for Britain’s national security, for which he made the ultimate sacrifice, will not be forgotten.”