Marine Joseph David Windall killed in Aghanistan
It is with deep regret that the MOD must confirm the death of Marine Joseph David Windall, who was killed following the crash of a RAF Nimrod MR2 aircraft in Afghanistan on Saturday 2 September 2006.

Marine Joseph David Windall (All rights reserved.)
Marine Joseph David Windall
Marine Joseph “Joe” David Windall was born on 18th April 1984. He joined the Royal Marines in November 2002, completing Recruit Training in June 2003.
After a short period of time working at RM Stonehouse, Plymouth, he successfully completed a Signaller Class 3 course enabling him to be employed as a communicator in all parts of the Corps. Since completing this course Marine Windall had been busy deploying all around the world for training exercises and operational tours.
An intelligent individual with a mature attitude, Marine Windall was often employed on tasks requiring the ability to work unsupervised and with a great deal of initiative.
Enthusiastic and with an amicable attitude to life, Joe was an immensely popular member of the Royal Marines, and will be sorely missed.