Marine Paul Warren killed in Afghanistan
It is with regret that the Ministry of Defence must confirm that Marine Paul Warren from Charlie Company, 40 Commando Royal Marines, was killed in Afghanistan on Monday 21 June 2010.

Marine Paul Warren (All rights reserved.)
Marine Warren was injured in an explosion when Patrol Base Airport Lounge was attacked by insurgents. Despite being given immediate first aid by his comrades, Marine Warren’s injuries proved to be fatal.
Marine Paul Warren
Marine Paul Warren was born in Preston and lived with his family in Leyland, Lancashire. He was 23 years old.
He joined the Royal Marines on 22 May 2006, and on completion of recruit training was drafted to 45 Commando Royal Marines, based in Arbroath, Scotland, joining on 26 June 2007.
In January 2008 he deployed with 45 Commando to northern Norway for two months of cold weather warfare training.
Later that year he completed Mission Specific Training in preparation for deployment to Afghanistan on Operation HERRICK 9 in September 2008. He served with Whiskey Company, 45 Commando, in Sangin, at Forward Operating Base Jackson and Patrol Base Tangiers.
On 19 January 2010 he was drafted to Charlie Company, 40 Commando Royal Marines, in time to complete Mission Specific Training for Operation HERRICK 12.
In March 2010 he once again deployed to Afghanistan, where this time he was based at Patrol Base Airport Lounge located on the edge of the Sangin wadi. Charlie Company has been responsible for the security around Patrol Base Airport Lounge and has conducted dozens of patrols in support of the local nationals.
They have completed numerous joint clearance operations with Afghan National Security Forces and have uncovered many improvised explosive devices, rendering the area safer for the local population to go about their daily business.
Marine Warren’s family paid the following tribute:
A loving son, a brother and grandson who made us proud as a family. His cheeky smile will be missed by all who knew him.
Lieutenant Colonel Paul James, Commanding Officer, 40 Commando Group, Combined Force Sangin, said:
Marine Paul Warren was an outstanding Marine. He was bright, articulate, loyal and very brave. He was without doubt the epitome of his profession. Having previously served in Sangin only last year, his experience was invaluable in preparing and at times reassuring the men of 9 Troop.
He was a man of presence, a man who inspired others with his professional example and equanimity. Paul was sharp; he was fit, always keen to learn, and was utterly selfless.
He took pride in what he did and others took confidence from his approach to life. I saw in him a dedicated, reliable, talented and intelligent Marine who had a promising career cut tragically short.
He died in his Patrol Base in Sangin, doing the job he loved and alongside the people who will know him forever as a true friend. Our thoughts and prayers are with his parents, his two brothers, his family and his friends.
He was one of life’s greats and he will be sorely missed by all in 40 Commando. Marine Paul Warren was, and will always remain, a Royal Marines Commando.
Major Ed Moorhouse, Officer Commanding Charlie Company, 40 Commando Royal Marines, said:
Marine Paul Warren was something special in Charlie Company, and that is an accolade I use sparingly in the close-knit band of brothers that we are, where all excel in doing their duty in the most challenging of environments in Sangin.
In singling out Marine Paul Warren, this accolade rightly describes a man who volunteered and acted as point man for every patrol which his section undertook in Sangin; in my eyes these men, ‘on point’, are the bravest of the brave.
To Paul Warren, this was a matter of duty. Being the experienced man, who had patrolled Sangin before, he saw fit that it would be he, and only he, who would lead his section on patrol in Sangin; in volunteering for this he knew only too well the risks that were associated.
Marine Paul Warren humbled me with his modesty, his quiet accomplished professionalism and his pride; pride in being in 9 Troop, pride in being in Charlie Company and above all pride in being a Royal Marines Commando.
He was an exceptional Royal Marine - dedicated, trusted, loyal and courageous. To have been his Company Commander has been the greatest of honours; I am only saddened that the pleasure I have had undertaking this duty has been so tragically cut short.
The loss of Paul has left an indelible mark on Charlie Company and we grieve the loss of a very fine man. Our Corps is a close family and Charlie Company is a microcosm of this.
We pride ourselves on our Spartan ethos, and, in reconciling ourselves with our loss, Paul Warren was a Spartan and this is how we will always remember him.
At this dark hour, Charlie Company remember in their prayers Clifford and Lynn, Paul’s parents, and pray that the light and confidence that he gave us returns to their lives as time heals their tragic loss.
Lieutenant John Lynch, Officer Commanding 9 Troop, Charlie Company, 40 Commando Royal Marines, said:
I have had the privilege of knowing and working with Paul since he joined 9 Troop earlier in the year. It didn’t take long for me to realise what a professional and ‘switched on’ Bootneck he was.
He had previously served in Afghanistan with 45 Commando and the experiences he brought to the troop were priceless. He was a natural leader and was well respected and liked within the troop.
Paul embodied all the Commando qualities and as such was an inspirational role model to the younger Marines. His example helped forge 9 Troop into a formidable force.
Paul was an extremely intelligent man who could often be found reading one of the many books in the patrol base’s library. It was during in-depth conversations that Paul’s knowledge and intellect shone through.
He put his all into everything that he did, whether it was cracking ‘Op Massive’ in the gym or working as the lead man on patrols around Sangin. He was an expert at clearing our routes of IEDs; he recently found an IED which could have caused many casualties. Without doubt he saved lives.
His potential for command was obvious to me and his Section Corporal - this made him a natural choice for Section Third-in-Command. He also stepped up to Section Second-in-Command when required, and, in typical Paul fashion, was ‘all over it’.
I could see many great qualities in Paul and have no doubt that he would have continued to excel within the Royal Marines.
9 Troop are close-knit. The loss of such a bright character has left a void which will never be filled. Paul was a Charlie Company Spartan, a true Bootneck and a friend. Rest in Peace Paul, you will not be forgotten.
Sergeant Al Grant, 9 Troop Sergeant, Charlie Company, 40 Commando Royal Marines, said:
I had the immense pleasure of knowing and working alongside Marine Paul Warren as 9 Troop started their pre-deployment training.
Paul had already completed a tour of Sangin with 45 Commando and had volunteered for this deployment. His sheer courage and professionalism shone through in everything he undertook.
His extensive operational knowledge meant that he immediately claimed his place as the point man in the section. Paul was always keen to pass on his experience to the younger members of the troop and whenever we were patrolling Sangin he was always striving to improve how we operated.
There is a huge gap to fill in 9 Troop now that Paul has gone, but it is without doubt that the lads who remain will carry on where he left off; this is exactly what he would have wanted.
Paul was a shining example of what a Royal Marine Commando and Bootneck should be, and I am sure he would have excelled had his time not been cut short.
Our thoughts and prayers are with his family at this time. Paul, once a Marine, always a Marine, Rest in Peace mate.
Corporal Simon Schofield, Section Commander, 9 Troop, Charlie Company, 40 Commando Royal Marines, said:
I was proud to have served with Paul, as we all were; a hoofing Marine and a top bloke who kept our section safe.
The most ‘switched on’ guy I have ever met, it gave me great confidence to follow Paul as I always knew that he’d make the right decisions and lead us on a safe and true path.
I will always remember Paul for his quick wit and his dry sense of humour; he was always keen to share the news if I had made a wrong decision, and always referred to his idea being far better.
Paul was a true fighter in every sense of the word, always keen to lead if there was a scrap. An immensely brave man, a quality he proved on countless occasions as point man in Sangin.
He leaves behind a massive hole in 9 Troop and an even bigger one in 2 Section, but I know he would want us to go on and continue to take the fight to the enemy.
I had the pleasure of meeting Paul’s parents at the Families Day prior to deploying to Sangin. They were immensely proud of their son and all of his achievements. Our thoughts go out to them at this heartbreaking time. Rest in Peace Royal.
The 40 Commando Royal Marines of Flat 6, Charlie Company Lines, Norton Manor Camp, Taunton - Lance Corporal Andy Coyle, Marine Sam Bend, Marine Matt Sabberton, Marine John Crookes, Marine Glyn Forshaw and Marine Steve McConnell - said:
Paul joined 40 Commando around four months before we deployed to Sangin and he moved into our flat as his new home in Taunton.
Sometimes it can take a while to get to know someone, especially when joining an already tight-knit group as we were. However, this was not the case with Paul; from when he walked into Flat 6 he fitted in immediately with the lads and was instantly one of the boys.
Having already deployed to Afghanistan with 45 Commando on Operation HERRICK 9, and more specifically to Sangin, he was an experienced Marine whom we all looked to for advice and guidance for the forthcoming tour.
He was always willing to reassure the lads and was very helpful when giving advice from his experiences on Operation HERRICK 9.
Paul was an absolute pleasure to live with; he was always having a laugh and always making his fair share of the ‘wets’.
Paul had aspirations of going to university upon leaving the Corps, where he would have undoubtedly excelled.
Our thoughts and prayers go out to Paul’s parents and family at this time. It was an absolute pleasure to have known Paul and we will never forget him.
Lance Corporal Seb Rolland, 9 Troop, Charlie Company, 40 Commando Royal Marines, said:
I joined the Corps on 22 May 2006 along with Paul and 50 other recruits, many of whom did not pass training. In those first few months I knew Paul as a straightforward, hardworking, determined individual who had no trouble passing out of training.
Afterwards we went our separate ways, Paul to 45 Commando and me to 40 Commando. In February 2010 we again ended up in the same troop.
It was only on HERRICK 12 that I really got to know and respect him. Our shared interests and Paul’s sense of humour always made talking to him easy.
But it was Paul’s professionalism, integrity and courage that made him the man I would turn to for his advice or opinion on all matters, whether it was work or personal.
No task was beneath him and nothing fazed him. It was a pleasure and honour to know and work with you Paul. I have lost a good friend and the Corps has lost a great Marine. Rest in peace mate.
Marine Adam Baird, 9 Troop, Charlie Company, 40 Commando Royal Marines, said:
I first met Paul a year ago at Royal Marines Poole. My first impression was that he was a very ‘switched on’ Marine with a great attitude towards the job. His ability to ‘blackcat’ you with his terrible dits after a few drinks ashore was second-to-none.
Paul was the kind of guy that would help you if you had a bone question, or give advice about anything without even batting an eyelid.
This was one of the many great qualities he had, along with making the best out of a bad situation, of which we experienced many, whilst running over the hills of the Brecon Beacons.
Paul was someone I was glad to call one of my best mates. He will be sorely missed by me, 9 Troop, and all of the mighty Spartans of Charlie Company, 40 Commando Royal Marines.
We will miss you mate and you’ll never be forgotten.
Secretary of State for Defence, Dr Liam Fox, said:
Marine Paul Warren’s commanders and comrades describe him as an outstanding Marine and it is clear from the tributes paid to him that he was both well-liked and hugely respected. My sincere condolences go to his family, friends and colleagues at this painful time for them.