Decide where homes, shops and businesses should be built
Your community can get involved in making decisions about where new buildings should be built.

What is it?
You and your community could decide where and when to build new homes, shops, businesses or facilities in your local area.
Rather than applying for planning permission, you can use the ‘Right to Build’ to create small-scale, site-specific, community-led developments.
This can include building houses for private sale, community facilities like local shops, or anything else that the community needs.
How can I take part?
There are some minimum requirements which must be met in order to use the Right to Build.
Town and Parish councils can use the Right to Build, or communities can establish their own corporate body to manage the developments, and to make sure any benefits from development are reinvested in the community.
Find out more about Right to Build and get more advice and support on the My Community Rights website.