10 Year Health Plan working groups
The 10 Year Health Plan working groups will consider the future vision for the NHS and areas of the NHS that will need to change to achieve this.
The Secretary of State for Health and Social Care has established 11 working groups to support the development of a 10 Year Health Plan:
4 groups will consider the future vision for the NHS
7 groups will consider areas that will need to change to enable that vision to become a reality
Each group will have 2 co-chairs: one from either the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) or NHS England, and one external to these organisations.
The responsibilities and co-chairs of each group are set out below. We’ll publish the full membership of these groups and their terms of reference in December.
Vision working groups
I can stay healthy and manage my health in a way that works for me
This group will look at how health services can play a greater role in preventing the onset of ill health and stop the progression of specific conditions.
Dr Jeanelle de Gruchy, DHSC
Ravi Gurumurthy, Nesta
I can access the high-quality and effective care I need, when and where I need it
This group will:
articulate a high-level vision for a health service that enables access to high-quality care in line with the wants and needs the wider public, with a particular focus on episodic care
set out policy options for making this vision a reality
Dr Dame Emily Lawson, NHS England
Louise Ansari, Healthwatch
My care is integrated around my needs and I am listened to
This group will develop a vision for what good joined-up care should look like for people living with one or multiple long-term conditions.
Dr Claire Fuller, NHS England
Caroline Abrahams, Age UK
I am treated in a fair and inclusive way, irrespective of who I am
This group will develop new principles for how care should be designed and delivered to significantly improve healthcare equity and address disparities in access, patient experience and outcomes.
Professor Bola Owolabi, NHS England
Jacob Lant, National Voices
Enabling working groups
This group will consider how we should recruit, train and retain a workforce to meet the future needs of the healthcare system. We expect this group to focus on how staff will increasingly work:
in the community
in a digitally enabled way
with a focus on preventing ill health and the deterioration of people with long-term conditions
Gavin Larner, DHSC
Alison Griffin, London Councils
Finance and contracting
This group will evaluate the finance and contracting implications of NHS services:
becoming increasingly focused on prevention and delivered in the community
making the best use of digital services and technology
Julian Kelly, NHS England
Bill McCarthy, Leeds Trinity University
Physical infrastructure
This group will consider how healthcare infrastructure and the NHS estate should be managed to support improved productivity and meet the future needs of the public.
Emily Curtis, DHSC
Simon Linnett, formerly chair of Bedfordshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Data and technology
This group will consider how the NHS should focus its resources to ensure it maximises the impact of data and technology. This includes how we can make life easier and more productive for those who work in the NHS, and how we can use data more effectively to plan, manage and deliver services.
Ming Tang, NHS England
Dr Tim Ferris, Harvard Medical School
Research, life sciences and innovation
This group will consider how the NHS can identify and capitalise on technologies such as genomics, artificial intelligence, engineering biology and quantum sensing over the coming decade. The group will also consider how the NHS currently supports research and innovation, including in life sciences, and what we can do to increase the speed and scale of adoption of new innovations.
Dr Vin Diwakar, NHS England
Professor Lord Darzi, Imperial College London and Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust
Accountability and oversight
This group will review the current approach to accountability and oversight and determine whether it is fit for purpose and can drive improvement in our healthcare system. The work of this group will be focused on clarifying roles and incentivising the right behaviours and ways of working, not structural change.
Matthew Style, DHSC
Rob Webster CBE, NHS West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board
Mobilising change
The group will consider what model of change needs to be in place so that the NHS can change for the better, including:
the right balance between local and national direction and implementation
the most effective models for continuous improvement, measurement and evaluation
the required support and training offers that can enable change
Sally Warren, DHSC
Joanna Killian, Local Government Association