Advisory Committee on the Safety of Blood, Tissues and Organs (SaBTO)
The Advisory Committee on the Safety of Blood, Tissues and Organs (SaBTO) advises UK ministers and health departments on the most appropriate ways to ensure the safety of blood, cells, tissues and organs for transfusion or transplantation.
The members are:
- Professor James Neuberger (chair)
- Dr Su Brailsford (consultant in epidemiology and health protection)
- Mr Amanpreet Dhesi (biomedical scientist)
- Professor Richard Fordham (health economist)
- Mr Roger Graham (lay representative for organ transplantation)
- Dr George Greenhall (transplant nephrologist)
- Professor Will Irving (virology)
- Professor Yacoub Khalaf (IVF, fertility and stem cell specialist)
- Dr Ines-Ushiro-Lumb (virology)
- Professor Jean Manson (prion specialist)
- Dr Gail Miflin (UK blood services forum representative)
- Professor Michael Murphy (haematologist)
- Dr Adnan Sharif (transplant physician)
- Ms Charlotte Silver (lay representative for blood transfusion)
- Professor Peter Simmonds (microbiologist)
- Professor Marc Turner (regenerative medicine specialist)
- Professor Mark Vickers (haematologist)
- Dr Sharon Zahra (tissue donation and transplantation)
- Ms Ella Poppit (nurse)
Dr Gary Mallinson (NHSBT)
Terms of reference
Code of practice
SaBTO meeting papers and minutes from September 2012 on-wards