Anti-Muslim Hatred Working Group (closed)
The Working Group was established to consider and take forward proposals to tackle anti-Muslim hatred. The Working Group was the government’s main forum for discussing issues of concern with Muslim stakeholders and the communities whose interests they represent and convey. It played a valuable role in both disseminating and providing feedback on key policy messages and approaches.
This group is no longer active. You may be interested in the Working Group on Anti-Muslim Hatred/Islamophobia Definition.
The cross-government Anti-Muslim Hatred Working Group was made up of representatives from Muslim communities, independent experts, and academics who are known as independent members, alongside ex-officio members.
It also consisted of the following government departments:
- Attorney General’s Office
- Cabinet Office
- Crown Prosecution Service
- Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy
- Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport
- Department for Education
- Foreign and Commonwealth Office
- Home Office
- Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government
- Ministry of Justice
and the National Police Chiefs’ Council
Terms of reference