Collection of Student Loans
An HMRC-sponsored forum and subgroup of HMRC's Employment and Payroll Group, which is HMRC's principal forum for employer representatives and intermediaries including payroll specialists on student loan issues.
This forum is a sub-group of the Employment and Payroll Group.
Terms of reference
- The group will be HMRC’s principal forum for employer representatives and intermediaries including payroll specialists on student loan issues.
- The group will be a subgroup of HMRC’s Employment and Payroll Group.
- The group will provide a forum for:
- HMRC to explain and obtain feedback on the implications of potential changes to products and processes relating to student loan collection, including regulatory changes.
- Employer representatives, intermediaries and payroll specialists to advise, raise and discuss issues, concerns or problems for employers in administering their student loan obligations.
- Cross-government consultation on student loan issues that affect employers and borrowers, led by HMRC.
- Discussing student loan issues affecting borrowers who are repaying through Self Assessment, and/or agents of such borrowers.
- The group will be made up of nominees of employers’, borrowers’ and intermediaries’ representative organisations, together with collection of student loan representatives from HMRC, the BIS and the SLC.
- HMRC will provide the chair and secretariat for the group.
- The secretary will act as the principal point of contact for the group.
- The group will normally meet quarterly, but where appropriate will consider and decide on issues by email between formal meetings.
- Exceptionally, additional meetings may be called at short notice to discuss urgent issues.
- Agendas will be prepared with contributions from group members and circulated, normally a week before meetings.
- The minutes of meetings will be published on the internet.
- HMRC will take responsibility for notifying the group where any issues are being discussed on a confidential basis and the key points arising from any such discussions will be recorded in a separate note to the group, along with the minutes that are being published on the internet.
Association of Taxation Technicians
British Computer Society
Chartered Institute of Payroll Professionals
Chartered Institute of Taxation
Department for Education
Global Payroll Association
HM Revenue and Customs
The Institute of Chartered Accountants
Low incomes Tax Reform Group
MBKB payroll
Payroll Alliance
Student Loans Company
Meeting minutes
Meeting frequency: quarterly
Archived minutes
Minutes from previous years are available on The National Archives website: