Committee on Medical Aspects of Radiation in the Environment (COMARE)
COMARE advises on the health effects of natural and human-made radiation, both ionising and non-ionising.
Role of the group
COMARE is a Department of Health and Social Care expert committee, but it provides independent advice to all government departments and agencies.
At its meetings, the committee has representatives from:
Department for Energy Security & Net Zero
Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities
Department of Health and Social Care
Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety (Northern Ireland)
Environment Agency
Food Standards Agency
Food Standards Scotland
Health and Safety Executive
NHS Scotland
Nuclear Decommissioning Authority
Office for Nuclear Regulation
Public Health Scotland
Scottish Environment Protection Agency
Scottish Government
UK Health Security Agency
Welsh Government
Terms of reference
To assess and advise government and the devolved administrations on the health effects of natural and human-made radiation and to assess the adequacy of the available data and the need for further research.
Latest statement
COMARE welcomes the latest publication by Harrison et al on the definition of what constitutes a low dose of radiation, noting that the term is used differently according to context.
Past documents, including statements and history of the committee, are also held on the committee pages on the National Archives website.
13th November 2024:
10th July 2024:
6th March 2024:
23rd November 2023:
COMARE past meetings - minutes and agendas
COMARE meetings - 2025
140th meeting - 6th March 2025 - online
141st meeting - 8th July 2025 - online
142nd meeting - 11th November 2025 - in-person
Open meetings
COMARE holds open in-person meetings to increase the visibility and transparency of its work. To attend a meeting as an observer, you will need to send an open meetings application form to the secretariat and follow the code of conduct for observers.
COMARE chooses members for their medical and scientific expertise and has never had members from the nuclear or electrical power supply industries. Current members are:
Professor John Harrison (Chair)
Professor Amy Berrington de Gonzalez (The Institute of Cancer Research, London)
Professor Russell Foster (Nuffield Laboratory of Ophthalmology , University of Oxford)
Dr Geoff Heyes (University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust)
Dr Mark Hill (University of Oxford)
Dr Ray Kemp (Lay member)
Dr Mark Little (National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health)
Dr Colin Martin (University of Glasgow)
Professor Stewart Martin (University of Nottingham)
Dr Susan McCready-Shea
Dr Richard McNally (Newcastle University)
Professor David Read (University of Surrey)
Professor Lesley Rhodes (University of Manchester)
Professor Graham Smith (Clemson University, S.C., and GMS Abingdon Ltd)
Professor James Smith (University of Portsmouth)
Professor Malcolm Sperrin (Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust)
Professor David Sutton (NHS Tayside)
Dr Samantha Terry (King’s College London)
Professor Mireille Toledano (Imperial College, London)
Dr Chris Westcott (Lay member)
Code of practice
COMARE adheres to the guidelines laid down in the code of practice for scientific advisory committees (Government Office for Science, 2021) as is appropriate and in agreement with the Department of Health and Social Care.
COMARE Secretariat
c/o UK Health Security Agency
Radiation, Chemical and Environmental Hazards
Oxon OX11 0RQ