Criminal Justice System: Data Standards Forum

The forum aims to provide a set of data standards to support effective ICT communication between the various criminal justice organisations in England and Wales.

Role of the group

The Criminal Justice System’s Data Standards Forum is a technical group whose aim is to provide a set of data standards designed specifically to support the criminal justice system (CJS) in England and Wales. The adoption of a common set of data standards by the different criminal justice organisations improves ICT communications while reducing costs.

It has 2 sub-groups.

Results sub-group

The results sub-group assigns and maintains codes to consistently record the outcomes arising from a criminal court hearing that are passed between criminal justice organisations.

Standard Offence Wording sub-group

This sub-group interprets legislation to identity specific criminal offences and defines the standard agreed wording when charging for that offence. This ensures a consistent approach to wording across the CJS for all criminal offences.


Name Organisation
Colin Hand Ministry of Justice, Technology Solution Delivery, (Chair of the Data Standards Forum)
Nigel Hughes West Yorkshire Police, Police National Legal Database
Margaret McGeehan Youth Justice Board for England and Wales, Head of Information
Adrian Shepherd Ministry of Justice, Justice Statistics Analytical Services
James Evans Ministry of Justice, HMCTS, Magistrates Courts
Alan Brightmore Ministry of Justic, HMCTS, Crown Courts
Damian Hone Kent Police, representing Consortium group of Police Forces
Steve Tinsley Home Office, representing NSPIS group of Police Forces
Toni Blinston c/o North Wales Police, representing NICHE group of Police Forces and police project Minerva
Joanne Ella Essex Police, representing police project ATHENA
Aida Bakalovic Ministry of Justice , Service Management
Neil Taylor Ministry of Justice , CJS Exchange Product Board
Bill Couper Metropolitan Police Service
Jackie Allen Home Office, Police National Database
Andrew Logan Ministry of Justice, NOMS Change and ICT Directorate
Steve Walmsley Crown Prosecution Service
Howard Smith Ministry of Justice, NOMS Change and ICT Directorate
Michael Keane Ministry of Justice, NOMS, Planning and Analysis Group
Nishma Patel Ministry of Justice, HMCTS, Magistrates Courts

Terms of reference

Data Standards Forum Terms of Reference (PDF, 109 KB, 10 pages)


The forum has published detailed guidance on how to use the data standards and the code lists.

Contact details