Defence Fire Safety Regulator (DFSR)
The Defence Fire Safety Regulator has a statutory duty to enforce The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 and allied legislation as applied to Scotland and Northern Ireland on the Defence Estate.
Who we are
The Defence Fire Safety Regulator (DFSR) is an independent Regulator within the Defence Safety Authority (DSA), from whom the DFSR Team Leader receives the authority to discharge his regulatory role by a Letter of Delegation issued by the Director General of the DSA. This directs the DFSR to regulate fire safety across Defence activities in accordance with the Secretary of State’s Policy Statement and to maintain a regulatory regime. DFSR has a statutory duty to enforce UK Fire Safety Legislation on MOD premises occupied solely for the purposes of the Armed Forces (MOD or Contractor occupied).
The Defence Fire Safety Regulator (DFSR) is categorised into 2 disciplines, Fire & Rescue & Fire Safety.
Fire & Rescue (Oversight, Assurance) (F&R(OA)
The DFSR Fire & Rescue (Oversight and Assurance) (F&R(OA)) team has a principle responsibility to regulate the Fire and Rescue Services across Defence in accordance with the Secretary of State’s (SofS’s) Health Safety and Environmental Protection Policy.
Fire Safety
The DFSR’s statutory fire safety duties fall into two provisions of the relevant legislation. Namely, to ensure and assure that the requirement to take general fire precautions to ensure the safety of relevant persons are taken by the Responsible (Accountable) Person, and the duty to consult with the DFSR as the fire safety enforcing authority in relation to proposed building works. These two duties are discharged respectively by Risk Based (Fire Safety) Audits and a works consultation process. Allied with this, post-fire audits may be undertaken to determine possible failings in compliance with legislation (at the time of the fire) for any fire which occurs on the Defence estate. Enforcement Notices and Prohibition Notices may be served by the DFSR where breaches of fire safety legislation have been identified or are of the opinion that an immediate risk to life is present.
What we do
Fire & Rescue (Oversight, Assurance) (F&R(OA)
The DFSR F&R(OA) has a duty to audit Fire and Rescue Services operating in Defence. This requires analysis and evaluation of information gathered during audits to determine compliance with Defence and Statutory Regulation and ensure compliance with organisational policy, procedures and instructions. The team crosses boundaries into Aerodrome Rescue Firefighting (ARFF), Structural Firefighting, Major Accident Control Regulations (MACR) and Military Aviation Activity (MAA). The scope of the team extends to the UK (including NI) and military locations overseas.
Fire Safety
The role of the DFSR (Fire Safety) falls into two main provisions derived from the requirements of UK fire safety legislation. The principal provisions are to ensure and assure that the requirement to take general fire precautions for the safety of relevant persons are taken by the Responsible Person (in Defence this is termed the Accountable Person); and to ensure that those who propose to erect premises or make changes to existing premises consult with the fire enforcing authority in relation to those proposed building works. Thus, maintaining a safe operational environment across Defence.
These two duties are discharged respectively by Risk Based Audits and a mandated consultation process to fulfil the legal duty to consult. Allied with this, post-fire audits may be undertaken to determine possible breaches or offences under the legislation or Defence regulation. Where failings are identified and sufficient evidence exists and where appropriate enforcement action (in accordance with national enforcement expectations) may be taken.
A highly regarded and professional regulator providing regulatory direction to enable Responsible Persons to achieve and maintain a safe operating environment across Defence.
Contact us
Defence Fire Safety Regulator
Building 456 (Room 220)
Boscombe Down
- DFSR Team Leader – Mr Alan Horberry
- DFSR Assistant Team Leader – Mr Jason Charlton
- DFSR Business Manager – Mrs Terrie McDonald
Related Information
Defence Fire Safety Regulations (DSA02) and guidance (DSA03)
Defence Fire Safety Regulations (DSA02) Defence Structural Fire Fighting Regulations
The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 (England and Wales)
Fire (Scotland) Act 2005 (asp 5)