Defence Land Safety Regulator (DLSR)
DLSR sets regulation and assures safety and environmental protection in the Land Domain to enhance operational capability.
Who we are
Part of the Defence Safety Authority (DSA) DSLR is responsible for regulating safety and environmental protection for activities conducted in the Land Domain.
What we do
DLSR covers a wide range of functional disciplines that often require pan-defence organisation cooperation, with tasks routinely involving military activity interfacing directly with commercial operations and the public.
Regulation and certification
- regulating the certification of Land Systems
- providing assurance through regulatory oversight of the Land Certification Authority Team (LCAT)
- determining the level of compliance of defence land capabilities against defined safety standards, including safety management arrangements and limitations of use across the Concept, Assessment, Demonstration, Manufacture, In-Service and Disposal (CADMID) Cycle
In circumstances where the nature of defence and security activities inevitably conflict with safety requirements - and defence therefore has derogations, exemptions or disapplications from health, safety and environmental legislation, or where other circumstances indicate the need for defence regulation of activities - we maintain departmental arrangements that produce outcomes that are, so far as is reasonably practicable, at least as good as those required by UK legislation.
Regulation and standards
- setting, maintaining and delivering effective defence regulations and standards in the Land Domain
- engaging with stakeholders for coherence and efficiency
To set regulation and assure safety and environmental protection in the Land Domain to enhance operational capability.
We deliver this mission by:
- tracking, assessing and advising on forthcoming technology and legislative changes
- setting defence regulations and acceptable means of compliance, providing regulatory advice and guidance
- conducting independent Third Line of Defence (3LOD) assurance through oversight, surveillance, audit, and inspection
- licensing high-hazard activities
- taking enforcement action to ensure compliance in support of defence operational capability
DLSR employ a risk-based assurance audit and inspection programme, driven by the intelligence picture.
Contact us
Mail Point #H109
MOD Abbey Wood (North)
Bristol BS34 8QW
Related Information
Defence Safety Authority (DSA) Operating Model documents
Defence Land Safety and Environmental Regulations
Defence policy for Health, Safety and Environmental Protection (DSA 01.1)