Defence Suppliers Forum
The Defence Suppliers Forum (DSF) is the major conduit for strategic MOD-industry communications.
As part of the Defence Industrial Strategy - Statement of Intent announced on 2 December 2024, the Secretary of State confirmed that the Defence Suppliers Forum will be replaced by a new Defence Industrial Joint Council (DIJC) in 2025. Further information about the DIJC will be issued soon.
The Statement of Intent (SOI) outlines the process the MOD will follow in developing the Defence Industrial Strategy. Responses to the SOI must be submitted by 28 February 2025 to This process will build on existing insight gathered through the Strategic Defence Review (SDR).
The Defence Suppliers Forum (DSF) is the primary MOD-industry engagement mechanism for discussion on strategic topics. It is a key enabler for industry and Government, working together, to achieve the Government’s defence industrial strategic aims and for developing collaborative responses to new and emergent issues and challenges.
DSF Vision
Maximising the strategic relationship between industry and the MOD to deliver world class capability and support to the Armed Forces and UK prosperity.
The vision builds on the original to include refined behaviours, establishing metrics and recognition of its important role in enabling the delivery of strategies such as the Defence Security and Industrial Strategy.
The DSF Newsletter provides an overview of activity within the DSF and Industry relevant information. The Newsletter can be accessed via the Defence Procurement LinkedIn which provides information including webinars, announcements, and opportunities.
DSF Membership
DSF membership will reflect the diversity of the Defence sector. Each group will therefore include appropriate members at the right level i.e. CEO, Managing Director, or a senior position with the authority to delegate responsibilities within their organisation, from both Government and Industry to ensure the broad landscape of the Defence sector is represented.
Industry appointments will be reviewed in accordance with the DSF governance ensuring representation remains appropriate to addressing the objectives of the group.
To register your interest in becoming a member of the DSF, please complete the Expression of Interest form. Please note you will only be considered if a seat becomes available.
DSF Expression of Interest form
DSF Structure
DSF Main
The DSF Main is co-chaired by the The Rt Hon John Healey MP, The Secretary of State for Defence, and Charles Woodburn, Chief Executive, BAES. The DSF Main meetings are attended by both MOD and Industry representatives from the Strategic, Mid-Tier, Small and Medium Enterprise and Trade Association membership, suppliers are nominated to attend through a rotation basis.
DSF Main minutes
DSF Executive Group
The Defence Suppliers Forum Executive Group is a forum for identifying and actioning areas of improvement between MOD and UK defence industry and reports to the DSF Main. It facilitates action on areas of mutual benefit and will align with the Vision 2025 statement.
Membership comprises of Government officials and companies of significant importance to MOD. Representatives from trade associations, or other subject matter experts, including SME’s to represent industry views for smaller suppliers may be included.
The aims and objectives of the Defence Suppliers Forum (DSF) Executive Group were revised and agreed at DSEI (Defence and Security Equipment International) 2023. With a renewed focus on collaboration and the development of capability at pace, they will ensure the DSF delivers a coherent programme of activity that addresses the most important and pressing issues facing defence and ensures the future competitiveness of the UK Defence enterprise.
Steering groups
The DSF has a number of steering groups, underpinned by working groups, for identifying and actioning areas of improvement between MOD and UK defence industry which report to the DSF Executive Group, including:
Capability Management International & Innovation (CMI&I) - to enable Defence and Industry to solve together the capability challenges for the future
People & Skills (P&S) - aims to bring resilience to the defence engineering enterprise by establishing a body of evidence of the skills shortages within the defence engineering enterprise. Through a campaign of policy influence and the promotion of defence careers they are creating the opportunity to reduce the shortage
Commercial - identifying and actioning areas of improvement between MOD and UK defence industry on topics within the Commercial environment
Digital - a forum for identifying and actioning joint challenges identified and agreed by members of the Steering Group related to ways of working within the ‘Digital’ environment
Climate Change and Sustainability (CC&S) - enable sustainability practises to be embedded throughout Defence so that these considerations are properly considered before investment and procurement decisions are made
Security - the focal point for Director level engagement to exchange views on all aspects of the protective security of Industry and the Supply Chain supporting Defence outputs
Small and Medium-sized Enterprise (SME) Forum
The SME Forum is chaired by the Minister for Defence Procurement. The forum provides a platform for SMEs to engage directly with Minister for Defence Procurement to share experiences of contracting with MOD and discuss barriers to opportunities.