edoc, electronic duty of care
edoc was a system designed to help you record what happens to the waste you produce or handle.
This project has now closed.
What is edoc?
Electronic duty of care (edoc) was a 4 year project to develop a national online system to track the collection, transport, treatment and disposal of non-hazardous waste. It ran from January 2011 to December 2014 and was co-financed by the EU’s LIFE+ environment programme.
The edoc Layman’s report provides a simple summary of the project.
Who’s involved
The edoc project was led by Environment Agency with the following partners:
- Chartered Institution of Wastes Management (CIWM)
- Waste & Resources Action Plan (WRAP)
- Reconomy
- Northern Ireland Environment Agency (NIEA)
- Cyfoeth Naturiol Cymru/Natural Resources Wales
The project also had the full support of the Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs (Defra) and the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA).